Semester project for data science lecture at DHBW in 2022.
- A_Index: Unique identification number, non-consecutive (by sampling into the issued and retained data)
- Anzahl Zimmer: total number of rooms (not including kitchens and bathrooms)
- Ausbaustufe: Number of levels above the basement
- 1 level
- 2 levels
- Baeder: Number of bathrooms not located in the basement (KG), toilets included
- BaederKG: Analogous to bathrooms, but in KG
- Baujahr: Year in which the building was built
- EG_qm: Size of the living space in sqm on the first floor
- Garage_qm: Size of the garage in sqm
- Garagen: number of vehicles that can be parked in the garage
- Gesamteindruck: impression of the overall condition of the building as a whole
- 5 Very good
- 4 Good
- 3 Average
- 2 Poor
- 1 Very poor
- Keller_Typ_qm: number of sqm in the type of cellar (see "cellar type" below)
- Keller_qm: number of sqm of the whole cellar
- Kellerhoehe: height of the cellar
- Sehr gut: ca. 250 cm
- Gut: ca. 225 cm
- Durchschnitt: ca. 200 cm
- Schlecht: ca. 175 cm
- Sehr schlecht: lower than 175 cm
- Keine Angabe: no cellar
- Kellertyp: type of cellar
- Good living space
- Average living space
- No living space
- Recreational space
- Low quality
- Shell
- Lage: district in which the property is located
- OG_qm: Square meters of the floor above the OG
- Umgebaut: Year in which major remodeling / additions / renovations took place, if none were carried out, this corresponds to the year of construction
- Verkaufsjahr: Year of sale
- Verkaufsmonat: Month of sale
- Wohlflaeche_qm: Living space in sqm
- Z_Verkaufspreis: Selling price in Euro