This project involves the development of a smart alarm clock using FreeRTOS. The alarm clock is designed to provide advanced features such as multiple alarms, snooze functionality, and real-time clock management.
- Main: The main file that contains the setup and tasks initialization.
- Services: The header file that references the implementation of the services and the FreeRTOS tasks.
- FreeRTOS: The FreeRTOS library that provides the real-time operating system for the project.
- LCD: The LCD library that provides the display functionalities.4
- PIR Sensor: The PIR sensor library that provides the motion detection functionalities.
- Real-Time Clock: The RTC library that provides the real-time clock functionalities.
- Noise Sensor: The noise sensor library that provides the noise detection functionalities.
- Rings: The ring library that provides the sound functionalities.
- Pins: The pins library that provides the pin configurations.
├── Assets
│ ...
├── Main
│ ├── main.ino
├── libs
├── FreeRTOS source files (Kernel)
├── LCD
├── Noise Sensor
├── PIR Sensor
├── Real-Time Clock
├── Rings
├── Pins
├── Services
The FreeRTOS library was added to this project by copying the kernel content from the official repository.
- Alarm Clock: The system has an alarm clock that can be set in the code (for now) and when the time comes, the system will ring a sound.
- Stop alarm: The user can stop the alarm by pressing a button.
- Dinamic ring sound adjustment: The system read the enviroment noise and adjust the ring sound to be heard by the user.
- Snooze functionality: When the alarm rings, the system read the enviroment moviment and if the user is moving, the alarm will snooze for 5 minutes.
- User interface: The system will have a user web interface to set the alarm clock. The web app will connect to the system using the firebase API.
- Real-time clock management: The system can set the current time and date using the user interface.
- Multiple alarm settings: The user can set multiple alarms with different times and days of the week and rename them.
- ESP32-WROOM-32: The microcontroller used in this project.
- XD-74 module: Sound detectoon sensor.
- PIR Sensor: Motion detection sensor.
- Push Button: User input.
- DS3231 module: Real-Time Clock.
- LCD 16x2: Display.
- Buzzer: Sound output.
- Breadboard and wires.
Contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more details.