Good afternoon programmers.
This is my first program in REACT.NET and this is the first program that does exactly what I expect it to do.
(using REACT.NET is kind of painful, too hard to use any react dependency: 3/10 would not do it again)Stack contains only 2 technologies here: ASP.NET and React It's not the best solution, but when I made this project it was the best and fast solution.
In this project, I used ASP.NET MVC as backend solution So my structure:
HomeController.cs - Needed to get pages from the server
BackendActionsController.cs - Something like WEB-API. It takes data from Entity Framework by Linq expressions
Everything inside "SqlData" folder is related to SQL databases We had two SQL Databses:
- There are only 2 columns: Id and Object-Name
- There are 3 columns: Id as rowId, startId to match with previous table, URL to the object in the internet
Since each object can have many URLs
CSV model - used as helping structure to build CSV file easier and faster
StartView - used on startPage, each model-class contains information about dataObject (It's ID, Name and URLs count)
DetailedView - used on detailedPage, each model-class contains detailed information about dataObject
There are some razor documents, with html formating, wich purpose is to inject react-related scripts and set base formating
On frontend I used only 2 libraries:
chart.JS for fast and simple graphics
bootstrap only for some styles
That Library I found in the E-Net by googling "Asp.Net updating page" I used it 2-3 times, in views, where it did it's startup job
I set up it up by watching tutorials for React.NET, nothing interesting
Some simple things:
script.jsx - calling server for data
dataViewers.jsx - contains chart.JS and table constructors
That was it for today, feel free to contact me or use some codes as examples for your projects (but better do not, code is actually not the best)