Zürcher Kantonalbank
- Zürich / Switzerland
- leonardschuetz.ch
- @leni4838
- Pro
dotfiles Public
Probably the most boring repo you'll find today.
charly-vm Public
Fully parallel dynamically typed programming language
skybison Public
Forked from facebookarchive/skybisonInstagram's experimental performance oriented greenfield implementation of Python.
250kb-club Public
Forked from nkoehring/250kb-clubAn exclusive members-only club for web pages weighing no more than 250kb. Inspired by Bredley Taunts 1MB.club
mos6502 Public
MOS 6502 Emulator
stackvm Public
Virtual Machine with a 240x160 VRAM display.
crenshaw Public
awesome-compilers Public
Forked from aalhour/awesome-compilers😎 Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes.
crystal Public
Forked from crystal-lang/crystalThe Crystal Programming Language
navier Public
Forked from dorchard/navierNavier-Stokes fluid simulation in various languages (C, Fortran, and Haskell using Repa)
colormap Public
Forked from bpostlethwaite/colormapoutput rgb or hex colormaps
gravity-simulator Public
Demo: https://leonardschuetz.ch/resources/documents/gravity-simulator/
crystal-website Public
Forked from crystal-lang/crystal-websitecrystal-lang.org website
awesome-crystal Public
Forked from veelenga/awesome-crystal💎 A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software
llvm-learning Public
Collection of hand-written LLVM-IR files.
language-charly Public
Forked from charly-lang/language-charlyCharly language package for Atom
logger Public
Logging utility written for leonardschuetz.ch
livechat.cr Public
WORK IN PROGRESS livechat written in Crystal
norcal Public
a web-based calendar that you can sync, link, embed, and edit offline
range-array Public
Easily generate a range from a set of two numbers.