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/ to_do_reminder Public archive

Server with Rust, Rocket, Diesel, Docker to create your own to-do-list


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Install Docker & Docker-Compose

Init the SMTP server

Before launch the server, you need to connect an SMTP account if you don't have one you can by example use gmail

go to the .env file and change all the value with SMTP

  • ADRESS_SMTP It's the adresse email you using
  • PASSWORD_SMTP It's your password
  • RELAY_SMTP It's your relay, example if you use a gmail account, it's will be

Of course you're not obligated to use a gmail account If your values SMTP are corrects it's possible the link still don't work because you have the connexion refused you just need to change in your account the setting Allow applications with less security

if something with the SMTP goes wrong the server will not launch so if the server is launch or pass the test don't worry it's working


Go to the root where the docker-compose is and do: sudo docker-compose up sudo is needed to access to the port

In the terminal where you launch the docker-compose you should see something like that if all work : Rocket has launched from Just go in the direction given on the terminal or go Here If it's not working then try :

  • localhost:8000
  • {docker ip}:8000


When the server is running to close properly, you just need to ctrl c and run sudo docker-compose down

Mode of launching

You can use sudo docker-compose up and have different behavior at the beginning you should see something like that :

server_1  | You can change the mode by changing the value of LAUNCH_MODE in the .env file
server_1  | 'r' -> release
server_1  | 'a' -> all (fmt, clippy, test, release)
server_1  | 'd' -> debug
server_1  | 't' -> test
server_1  | 'ts' -> run a specific test
server_1  | 'c' -> clippy (upgrade code)
server_1  | 'f' -> fmt (syntax format)
server_1  | 'rd' -> recreate the database
server_1  | Link to the database: success
server_1  | Mode is: all verif 'a'

Everything has been explain you just need to go to the server/.env file and change the value of LAUNCH_MODE to the mode you want

  • 'r' release launch the test before to make sure everything should work: better performance in runtime, log level is critical, so only important message are displayed in the terminal
  • 'd' debug use for full data display to the terminal log level normal
  • 't' test launch the test of the server
  • 'ts' specific test launch a specific test of the server
  • 'c' clippy launch the clippy functionality of cargo (test if their better syntax solution)
  • 'f' fmt launch the fmt functionality of cargo (reformat the code with the rust convention)
  • 'rd' diesel redo recreate the database (erase all data) if you change the structure and also reset the value in the data.json
  • 'a' all launch fmt, clippy, test, and server in release use this before a commit to make sure everything works fine


Option 1

To see if the server passes all the tests you need to: You can change the in the server/.env file the value of LAUNCH_MODE to t and do sudo docker-compose up

Option 2

go to the root of the project and do:

  • sudo docker-compose up -d to launch the container in daemon mode
  • sudo docker container ls You should see something like this
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS         PORTS                                       NAMES
1bea5cd8857b   to_do_reminder_server   "bash -c 'cargo run …"   19 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp   to_do_reminder_server_1
  • copy the id under CONTAINER ID
  • sudo docker container exec CONTAINERID cargo test replace CONTAINERID by the id of your container
    • launch the test and hopefully everything will be ok
  • Dont forget to do sudo docker-compose down once you're done


  • The password is saved in the database with the encryption PBKDF2
  • token are generated by serialise and sha256 encryption plus a private cookie with base64 hash the token and as a expire_date of 2 hours and a cookie to set the expired_token of 12 hours after that the server will no longer send expired token but forbidden status


Status code

You can try every status code by going to {server}/status/<code>

  • 401 only for admin
  • 403 not login but action needs to
  • 404 not found
  • 405 try to do something only accessible for visitors
  • 417 code should not happen, it's when the user of the token doesn't exist
  • 418 expired token
  • 500 error internal (my bad)


First the server will always have an admin account with a default password password (you can change it) and email value same as the smtp email


The server use 3 table each one has a very specific utility


The utility of this table is the one that link the other and also let the user create an account have his own personal data

  • id primary key of the table auto increment
  • username
  • password
  • perm boolean true if an admin
  • picture boolean true if the user a a picture upload
  • email
  • confirm_email if the user has confirm is email


Contains the to-do, the principal functionality

  • id primary key of the table auto increment
  • progress integer in [0; 100] show the % of the to-do
  • id_owner foreign key from user allow the link between the table
  • title
  • date limite-date of the to-do
  • priority
  • content extra description optional


Some nice functionality who will make the life of the user far better. with a preferred setting like the sorting of the to-do

  • id the if is the primary key
  • id_owner foreign key of user
  • sort change the behavior of the sorting of the list of to-do
  • display behavior for the display in the home



  • GET : / Home of the website
  • GET : /status/code With <code> a response status code allows to simulate a code to see the template to it


  • GET : /account/home Send to login if not login else display user personal page
  • GET : /account/users Allows to see every member of the website (if you're connected as admin get state of the database)
  • GET : /account/register Show a form to fill to create a new account
  • POST : /account/register Handle the form and try to create the account
  • GET : /account/users Show a form to fill to login
  • POST : /account/login Handle the form and try to login
  • PUT : /account/logout Disconnect the user
  • DELETE : /account/delete Try to delete the user
  • DELETE : account/delete_admin/<id> for admin account delete the username put
  • GET : /account/edit Show form to change password or profile picture
  • POST : /account/edit Handle the change password
  • delete : /account/edit/remove_picture/<id> allow to remove the picture
  • POST : /account/set/picture Handle the new picture
  • PUT : /account/send_code send a code to confirm the email
  • POST : /account/confirm form to enable the email
  • GET : /account/code_password form when you forget your password
  • PUT : /account/code_password change the password and send the new value per email
  • PUT : /account/new_email change the email and send a confirm code to enable the email


  • GET : /to-do/home show the to-do in the ordre of creation with some action
  • GET : /to-do/create/<callback> display form to create a to-do the callback is useful for the go back
  • POST : /to-do/create/<callback> allow to create in the database the to-do
  • DELETE : /to-do/owner/<id> delete all the to-do of the account in
  • DELETE : /to-do/owner/done/<id> delete all the to-do done of the account in
  • DELETE : /to-do/delete/<id> delete the to-do with the
  • GET : /to-do/edit/<id> show the forum to edit a to-do
  • PUT : /to-do/edit/<id> put to save the new data
  • PUT : /to-do/set_progress/<id>/<value> allow to just change the progress value


  • GET : /preference/home show the preference to the user and allow him to change them
  • PUT : /preference/set/display put a new display value
  • PUT : /preference/set/mode put a new sorting mode


Server with Rust, Rocket, Diesel, Docker to create your own to-do-list








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