This program is to create sticker spams on whatsapp only created for not to damage any property.
You are required to have install python in your local machine The current version of python used in this code is Python 3.9.1 first clone the repo to your local machine and than install the required dependencies.
Dependencies are:
- Pyautogui
- AppOpener
- time #already present in you browser
- whatsapp desktop
1.Clone the app in your machine
$ git clone
2.Move in to the directory
$ cd whatsapp_sticker_spammer-
$ python3
- After cloning the app if any error occurs you need rechange the locations according to your screen locations. open Terminal/CMD or Python IDLE run these commands to know the locations of individual stickers.
import pyautogui
To start contributing, follow the below guidelines:
1. Fork this repository.
2. Clone your forked copy of the project.
$ git clone<your_user_name>/whatsapp_sticker_spammer-.git
3. Checkout into a new branch
$ git checkout -b <branch_name>
4. Make your changes
5. Add and commit your changes
$ git add . && git commit -m "<your_message>"
6. Push Code to Github under your branch
$ git push origin <branch_name>
You can install these by using pip command from your terminal.