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DuckDB Labs team is working its own MySQL scanner extension, see duckdb_mysql. So this extension is now archived.

DuckDB mysql_scanner extension

The mysql_scanner extension allows DuckDB to directly read data from a running MySQL instance. The data can be queried directly from the underlying MySQL tables, or read into DuckDB tables.


First load the extension:

LOAD 'mysql_scanner.duckdb_extension';

Attach a single table (:white_check_mark: working)

If you prefer to not attach all tables, but just query a single table, that is possible using the MYSQL_SCAN table-producing function, e.g.

SELECT * FROM MYSQL_SCAN('localhost', 'root', '', 'public', 'mytable');

MYSQL_SCAN takes 5 string parameters:

  • the host (ip or name)
  • the user name
  • the password for that user
  • the schema name in MySQL
  • the table name in MySQL

Attach a single table with pushdown (:white_check_mark: working)

Same as MYSQL_SCAN but with pushdown.

SELECT * FROM MYSQL_SCAN_PUSHDOWN('localhost', 'root', '', 'public', 'mytable')
WHERE id > 1000;

Attach a MySQL database (:warning: :red_circle: not yet working)

To make a MYSQL database accessible to DuckDB, use the MYSQL_ATTACH command:

CALL MYSQL_ATTACH('mysql://user:password@host:port/database');

MYSQL_ATTACH takes a one required string parameter:

  • MySQL url string (i.e. mysql://user:password@host:port/database, some parameters can be omitted)

There are few additional named parameters:

  • source_schema the name of a non-standard schema name in mysql to get tables from. Default is public.
  • sink_schema the schema name in DuckDB to create views. Default is main.
  • overwrite whether we should overwrite existing views in the target schema, default is false.
  • filter_pushdown whether filter predicates that DuckDB derives from the query should be forwarded to MySQL, defaults to true.

sink_schema usage

attach MYSQL schema to another DuckDB schema.

-- create a new schema in DuckDB first
CALL mysql_attach('localhost', 'root', '', source_schema='information_schema', sink_schema='abc');
SELECT table_schema,table_name,table_type FROM tables;

The tables in the database are registered as views in DuckDB, you can list them with

PRAGMA show_tables;

Then you can query those views normally using SQL.

Building & Loading the Extension



Download the C++ extension for MySQL on MySQL dev connector C++. Extract the sources to mysql directory in the project root (you should have a mysql/include and lib or lib64 directories).

OpenSSL library is required to build the extension. For instance, on MacOS, you can install it with Homebrew:

brew install openssl

You'll need to install spdlog at the root of the project:

$git clone
$ cd spdlog && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j

build commands

As release is the default target, to build: from the project root directory, type:


if possible, use ninja for faster build:

$ GEN=ninja make

Add debug target to build debug version.


To run, run the bundled duckdb shell:

 ./build/release/duckdb -unsigned  # allow unsigned extensions


Then, load the MYSQL extension like so:

LOAD 'build/release/extension/mysql_scanner/mysql_scanner.duckdb_extension';


Copyright 2023 Kayrnt.

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (LICENSE-GPLv3).



DuckDB extension for MySQL








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