- matlab - matlab codes
- python - python codes
- reference - papers
- matlab
- acsp.mat - apply ACSP for robot arm data(5-class)
- competition.mat - apply ACSP for competition data(BCI Competition IV 2a)
- python
- ACSP.py - classifier for acsp features of 'robot arm data'
- ACSP_comp.py - classifier for acsp features of 'competition data'(on the paper)
- CSP.py - classifier for CSP features of 'robot arm data'
- gdf2mat.py - convert .gdf file to .mat file(BCI Competition IV 2a) --> for ACSP
- gdf2npy.py - convert .gdf file to .npy file(BCI Competition IV 2b) --> for STFT
- model.py - classifier for STFT features of 'competition data'(on the paper)
- reference
- ACSP.pdf - paper on ACSP
- CSP.pdf - paper on CSP
- STFT.pdf - paper on STFT
- seminar
- BCI Comparative Analysis with multiple EEG domains.pdf - 발표 자료