TimeScrobbler is a simple PowerShell tool designed to help answer that age-old question of "What the heck was I actually doing on that arbitrary day three weeks ago?"
When provided with a date-range, Timescrobbler will pull information from common & user specified folders, Outlook and Slack together into a simple HTML report for each day within that range, summarising exactly who you spoke to, what was said, what meetings you attended, and what files you worked on or downloaded that day.
A full example output report is available in the Media folder of the downloaded repo.
TimeScrobbler was primarily created to help me handle filling out back-dated timesheets. By having a single sheet summary of each day's activity, I can more easily & accurately attribute my time, long after I've forgotten where I even was five weeks ago. My co-workers seem to like it, and hopefully others might find it useful too!
Download the repository
Unblock the zip & extract
Edit the User.conf file to reflect your report output directory, common working directories, and Slack details (if desired)
Run TimeScrobbler as follows:
powershell.exe -File <path>\New-TimeScrobble.ps1
- PowerShell 3 or later
- For optional Slack functionality:
- The excellent PSSlack module by RamblingCookieMonster must be installed
- A valid test token from the Slack you wish to scrobble
- Build XAML interface
- Add additional data sources
- Comment pass
Either fork/pull directly, or hit me up @kittiah on Twitter if you wanna discuss anything!