Request transit data of german public transport services using the EFA-XML format. This package can deal with EFA-XML format.
This package is only in its first stages. Not all features are implemented yet, so feel free to contribute.
This package contains two separate libraries. EFAAPI
contains all necessary code to perform transit requests.
provides some basic SwiftUI views and view models to present results of
responses from the EFAAPI
library. EFAUI
depends on the other library because it uses types of it.
Install EFAAPI
with Swift Package Manager:
dependencies: [
.package(name: "EFAAPI", url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
To get started you first need to create an environment and a for your transit provider. This is a bit longer because of the networking setup needed for this package.
let environment = ServerEnvironment(scheme: "https", host: "", pathPrefix: "/static02")
let resetGuard = ResetGuardLoader()
let applyEnvironment = ApplyEnvironmentLoader(environment: environment)
let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
let sessionLoader = URLSessionLoader(session)
let loader = (resetGuard --> applyEnvironment --> printLoader --> sessionLoader)!
let service = DefaultTransitService(loader: loader)
There are two implementations of the TransitService
Use the DefaultTransitService
to load real-time data from your selected provider or use the StaticTransitService
for testing or mocking context.
Also the used networking structure makes it easy to mock a response with a mocked loader instead of the example networking configuration.
See the tests of this package to learn how to do it.
It's recommended to only use one instance of TransitService
so just inject this service everywhere where you need it.
The most basic request is the so called StopFinderRequest
It's used to find a location based on a given name and returns stops, streets, crossings, points of interest, etc.
You can also specify an ObjectFilter
to limit your search to return only a specific set of location types.
// Find streets and stops of name "Musterstraße"
transitService.findTransitLocation(for: "Musterstraße", filtering: [.streets, .stops])
It returns a failable Combine publisher of an array of TransitLocation
which you have to handle.
You can think of them like view models, because it's likely that you want to show them in some kind of list right away.
You don't want to get view models? Just use raw requests which return the pure API data.
Some public transport services use this format as their data exchange format. Feel free to add services that can be used with this package.
You have to consult the licence agreements of each provider.
- Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (Endpoint & Licence)