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subfish-zhou committed Aug 4, 2024
1 parent fc82870 commit f84d712
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Showing 3 changed files with 39 additions and 58 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lean/main/03_expressions.lean
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Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ set_option pp.explicit true in
在下一章中,我们将探索 `MetaM` 单子,它具有更方便地构建和销毁更大的表达式和其它一些功能。
## Exercises
## 习题
1. 创建表达式 `1 + 2` 通过 ``
2. 创建表达式 `1 + 2` 通过 `Lean.mkAppN`
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75 changes: 31 additions & 44 deletions lean/main/04_metam.lean
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@@ -1,54 +1,41 @@
# `MetaM`
The Lean 4 metaprogramming API is organised around a small zoo of monads. The
four main ones are:
- `CoreM` gives access to the *environment*, i.e. the set of things that
have been declared or imported at the current point in the program.
- `MetaM` gives access to the *metavariable context*, i.e. the set of
metavariables that are currently declared and the values assigned to them (if
- `TermElabM` gives access to various information used during elaboration.
- `TacticM` gives access to the list of current goals.
These monads extend each other, so a `MetaM` operation also has access to the
environment and a `TermElabM` computation can use metavariables. There are also
other monads which do not neatly fit into this hierarchy, e.g. `CommandElabM`
extends `MetaM` but neither extends nor is extended by `TermElabM`.
This chapter demonstrates a number of useful operations in the `MetaM` monad.
`MetaM` is of particular importance because it allows us to give meaning to
every expression: the environment (from `CoreM`) gives meaning to constants like
`` or `` and the metavariable context gives meaning to both
metavariables and local hypotheses. -/
Lean 4 元编程 API 围绕着一系列单子(Monad)组织起来。主要有四个:
- `CoreM` 允许访问 **环境**,即程序当前点已声明或导入的事物集。
- `MetaM` 允许访问 **元变量语境**,即当前声明的元变量集及其赋值(如果有)。
- `TermElabM` 允许访问在繁饰过程中使用的各种信息。
- `TacticM` 允许访问当前目标列表。
这些单子相互扩展,因此 `MetaM` 操作也可以访问环境,而 `TermElabM` 计算可以使用元变量。还有其他单子不能很好地适应这个层次结构,例如`CommandElabM` 扩展了 `MetaM`,但与 `TermElabM` 没有扩展或被扩展的关系。
本章演示了 `MetaM` 单子中的许多有用操作。`MetaM` 特别重要,因为它允许我们为每个表达式赋予意义:环境(来自 `CoreM`)为 `` 或 `` 等常量赋予意义,而元变量的语境为元变量和局部假设赋予意义。

import Lean

open Lean Lean.Expr Lean.Meta

## Metavariables
## 元变量
### Overview
### 概述
The 'Meta' in `MetaM` refers to metavariables, so we should talk about these
first. Lean users do not usually interact much with metavariables -- at least
not consciously -- but they are used all over the place in metaprograms. There
are two ways to view them: as holes in an expression or as goals.
`MetaM` 中的「Meta」指的是元变量,所以我们应该先讨论一下。Lean 用户通常不会与元变量进行太多交互--至少不是主动为之--但它们在元程序中随处可见。有两种方式可以查看它们:作为表达式中的洞或作为目标。
Take the goal perspective first. When we prove things in Lean, we always operate
on goals, such as
首先从目标角度来看。当我们在 Lean 中证明事物时,我们总是围绕目标进行操作,例如
n m : Nat
⊢ n + m = m + n
These goals are internally represented by metavariables. Accordingly, each
metavariable has a *local context* containing hypotheses (here `[n : Nat, m :
Nat]`) and a *target type* (here `n + m = m + n`). Metavariables also have a
unique name, say `m`, and we usually render them as `?m`.
这些目标在内部由元变量表示。因此,每个元变量都有一个包含假设的*局域语境*(此处为`[n : Nat, m : Nat]`)和一个*目标类型*(此处为`n + m = m + n`)。元变量还有一个唯一的名称,比如 `m`,我们通常将它们呈现为 `?m`。
要证成目标,我们必须给出目标类型的表达式 `e`。该表达式可能包含来自元变量局域语境的 fvar,但不包含其他变量。在内部,以这种方式证成目标相当于*指派*元变量;我们为此指派写 `?m := e`。
元变量的第二个互补观点是它们表示表达式中的洞。例如,应用 `Eq.trans` 可能会生成两个如下所示的目标:
To close a goal, we must give an expression `e` of the target type. The
expression may contain fvars from the metavariable's local context, but no
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1207,32 +1194,32 @@ you've already seen several glimpses in this chapter. We start by discussing
Lean's syntax system, which allows you to add custom syntactic constructs to the
Lean parser.
## Exercises
## 习题
1. [**Metavariables**] Create a metavariable with type `Nat`, and assign to it value `3`.
Notice that changing the type of the metavariable from `Nat` to, for example, `String`, doesn't raise any errors - that's why, as was mentioned, we must make sure *"(a) that `val` must have the target type of `mvarId` and (b) that `val` must only contain `fvars` from the local context of `mvarId`"*.
2. [**Metavariables**] What would `instantiateMVars (Lean.mkAppN (Expr.const 'Nat.add []) #[mkNatLit 1, mkNatLit 2])` output?
3. [**Metavariables**] Fill in the missing lines in the following code.
1. [**元变量**] 创建一个类型为 `Nat` 的元变量,并为其赋值 `3`
请注意,更改元变量的类型,例如从 `Nat` 更改为 `String` 不会引发任何错误 - 这就是为什么我们必须确保 *“(a) `val` 必须具有 `mvarId` 的目标类型,并且 (b) `val` 必须仅包含来自 `mvarId` 本地上下文的 `fvars`”*
2. [**元变量**] `instantiateMVars (Lean.mkAppN (Expr.const 'Nat.add []) #[mkNatLit 1, mkNatLit 2])` 会输出什么?
3. [**元变量**] 填写以下代码中缺失的行。
#eval show MetaM Unit from do
let oneExpr := (Expr.const `Nat.succ []) (Expr.const `` [])
let twoExpr := (Expr.const `Nat.succ []) oneExpr
-- Create `mvar1` with type `Nat`
-- 创建 `mvar1` 类型为 `Nat`
-- let mvar1 ← ...
-- Create `mvar2` with type `Nat`
-- 创建 `mvar2` 类型为 `Nat`
-- let mvar2 ← ...
-- Create `mvar3` with type `Nat`
-- 创建 `mvar3` 类型为 `Nat`
-- let mvar3 ← ...
-- Assign `mvar1` to `2 + ?mvar2 + ?mvar3`
-- 指派 `mvar1` `2 + ?mvar2 + ?mvar3`
-- ...
-- Assign `mvar3` to `1`
-- 指派 `mvar3` `1`
-- ...
-- Instantiate `mvar1`, which should result in expression `2 + ?mvar2 + 1`
-- 实例化 `mvar1`,结果为表达式 `2 + ?mvar2 + 1`
4. [**Metavariables**] Consider the theorem `red`, and tactic `explore` below.
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20 changes: 7 additions & 13 deletions lean/main/09_tactics.lean
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@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
# Tactics
Tactics are Lean programs that manipulate a custom state. All tactics are, in
the end, of type `TacticM Unit`. This has the type:
# 证明策略
证明策略(Tactic)是 Lean 程序,用于操纵自定义状态。最终,所有策略都属于 `TacticM Unit` 类型。其类型为:
-- from Lean/Elab/Tactic/Basic.lean
-- 来自 Lean/Elab/Tactic/Basic.lean
TacticM = ReaderT Context $ StateRefT State TermElabM
But before demonstrating how to use `TacticM`, we shall explore macro-based
但在演示如何使用 `TacticM` 之前,我们将探索基于宏的策略。
## Tactics by Macro Expansion
## 通过宏扩展的策略
Just like many other parts of the Lean 4 infrastructure, tactics too can be
declared by lightweight macro expansion.
与 Lean 4 基础架构的许多其他部分一样,策略也可以通过轻量级宏扩展来声明。
For example, we build an example of a `custom_sorry_macro` that elaborates into
a `sorry`. We write this as a macro expansion, which expands the piece of syntax
`custom_sorry_macro` into the piece of syntax `sorry`:
例如下面的 `custom_sorry_macro` 示例,该示例繁饰为 `sorry`。我们将其写为宏扩展,将语法片段 `custom_sorry_macro` 扩展为语法片段 `sorry`:

import Lean.Elab.Tactic
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