This project has been compiled into a useable plugin for any projects you can imagine its useful for! There is also a tutorial on how to set it up and the basics of using it.
Find it here:
Better portals for Unreal Engine 4! Took a while to figure this stuff out but I know allot of students and developers have been asking the question of how this is done. That brings me to the purpose of this project, which is to show the use of portals within Unreal Engine 4 to create Non-Euclidean style game-play mechanics. There does exsist a project on the marketplace which is similar although it is all done in blueprints.
- Portals
- Recursive Portal rendering.
- Portal Pawn.
- Portal function replacements.
- Portal Manager in the game mode.
- Physics Object support.
- Velocity Limiter for actors.
- VR material created.
- Demo levels.
Future Improvements:
- VR Portals using CubeCaptureComponent.
- VR Demo room.
The project is intended for educational purposes and free to use by anyone. NOTE: Built project can be found bellow the project was created using UE4.23.