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Releases: Loweredgames/Skyblock-Classic-Edition


22 Feb 13:34
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  • updated to 1.21.2/1.21.3/1.21.4 (Bundles of Bravery and The Garden Awakens)
    • kept compatibility for 1.21 and 1.21.1 with 1.21.3
      • first multi version up to 1.21.4
  • added custom islands around the world (#384)
  • added "very small" island with derivatives (#383)
  • removed the bundle and added officially
  • changed some recipes
  • various code optimizations and improvements


functions and datapack:

  • added "very small" island with derivatives (#383)
    • it is much more difficult than the other modes
      • only for those who are 100% Minecraft experts
        • the popup text has not been translated yet

worlds and maps:

  • added custom islands around the world (#384)
    • to renew objects and blocks. the added islands are:
      • re-added cherry_grove island (removed saplings in chest and other stuff, sniffer eggs are now two)
      • added Taiga island (for sweet berries)
      • added jungle island
      • added savannah island
      • added badland island
      • added dark forest island
      • added birch forest island (will update the island to 1.21.5 with content added for saplings with bees in the future)
      • added pale oak island (1.21.4 only)
      • added mangrove island (for saplings and swamps, removed frogs since they are naturally found)
      • added monster room in the world (this time for real)
        • converted as a structure
      • desert well added to the world (this time for real) (#320)
        • converted as a structure


custom structures:

  • updated all structures and various improvements
    • now the Pillager Outpost structure only spawns when there is a village in back
    • restored vanilla frequencies in structures
    • structures should no longer have spawn issues attached to each other
      • used legacy_type generation in some structures
  • updated the world to 1.21.4

worlds and maps:

  • removed the bundle and added it officially
  • modified some recipes
    • some recipes have been re-adapted, so some blocks and items can be renewed

functions and datapack:

  • update the island sign based on the version (#389)
    • moved the signs that are on the island:
      • now they load between the various versions
      • removed in the main datapack

misc and other:

  • updated to 1.21.2/1.21.3/1.21.4 (Bundles of Bravery and The Garden Awakens)
    • updated from 48 to 61
      • updated to 61 in all overlays in the datapack
    • in the resources pack to 46
      • is compatibility for 1.21 and 1.21.1 with 1.21.3 has been maintained
        • first ever multi version release up to 1.21.4 for now
    • added overlays for 1.21.1 and 1.21.2
  • added and updated the CI:
    • now when you do a commit in the project an internal version is created in Github. this doesn't change anything and is just a convenience.
    • moved the Nighty Version to Legacy and removed the bossbar. everything will be removed in 1.22
      • now it is updated in the building_version.json file
      • now the main version will also be updated in the CI.
        • these changes will also be in my other maps
  • added the link of Smithed (a site for datapacks) #382


functions and datapack:

  • all recipes will no longer be given when the player opens the world
    • this could be a small regression but following vanilla the recipes are never given immediately but it is up to the player when he discovers the world itself.
      • the Skyblock is a much more difficult mode than a vanilla world and players who play it have more knowledge with the mechanics of Minecraft.
        • also for performance improvements in the world

custom structures:

  • removed the cherry grove structure because it became an island in the test structures folder
  • removed the frogs in the jungle temple structure. you can find them naturally
  • removed the monster room and added it as a structure
  • removed the desert well and added it as a structure


  • removed automatic translation with Crowdin again. I had huge problems and I don't want to have to update the whole project or restore it every time. I will use my method that I used a long time ago (i.e. manually).
    • this won't change anything but the process will be much slower

BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...
Full Changelog: 1.21_JE-4a...1.21.4_JE-0a


12 Jan 14:16
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Finally my Skyblock CE version 1.21 is complete. now I can start the various porting of the versions up to 1.21.5. I hope that along the way there are no problems.
ps: I noticed that the End has no problems even if I did a quick test. maybe I create an experimental setting for those who want to have End?
as always thank you very much.



  • added "Trial Chamber" in the world (#232)
  • removed many old scores in 1.21/1.21.1 (#347)
  • added Portable Version, a portable version and updated links
  • added an Import system for worlds that do not have Skyblock Classic Edition but want to migrate to the Skyblock CE map (#365)
  • structures and islands in the "generated" folder have been migrated to the worldgen folder (#362)
    • the "generated" folder has been removed and now only the datapack and resources pack are needed


functions and datapack:

  • reached the score that removes progress in the custom world when starting Skyblock for the first time
  • changed the message in the test popup (#363)
  • added a new overlay for changes in future Minecraft versions
    • if it changes between updates, a new one will be added with the necessary change.
      • does nothing for now.
  • added an Import system for worlds that do not have the Skyblock Classic Edition but want to migrate to the Skyblock CE map (#365)
    • just click import at the beginning and the world is generated without anything (replace the level.dat if the structures are not generated)
    • you can also decide to delete the datapack if you want to go back to the previous way, without any problem.
  • added different warning sounds in the conversion and in other system messages in the various functions of the datapack (#245)
    • updated the "Import" function with the "bit" sound block
    • for the "legacy_pid" the "bell" is used
    • for the "PID" and the "SUBPID" the "chime" is used. in SUBPID the pitch is 1 instead of 2
    • for the structures in the tests instead the amethyst block is used

worlds and maps:

  • added the "Trial Chamber" in the world (#232)
    • now you can renew most of the objects and blocks of 1.21

misc and other:

  • various improvements
  • reunified the portable version to the main version:
    • this will have no effect except the numbering which will be the same as the main version
      • it was done to save time in the release of the versions and for general easy.
  • updated to 1.21/1.21.1 (Tricky Trials)
    • updated to 48 in all overlays in the datapack
  • added Portable Version (in 1.20.X and 1.21.X)
    • a version that only uses the datapack and can be taken anywhere
  • added Modright's link for the portable and normal versions and other links inside the datapack (#366)
    • added more links for portable versions
    • added missing links

custom structures:

  • updated the world to 1.21.1
  • miscellaneous small improvements


functions and datapack:

  • reordered the UI popup at the beginning when making island decisions
    • also in the test world
      • the separate version of the test world has been removed and no longer supported


  • updated translations
    • added strings for:
      • the import system,
      • the test version message,
      • the end of the LTS cycle message (only LTS),
    • and added new languages ​​for 1.21,
  • miscellaneous improvements and fixes,

custom structures:

  • structures and islands in the "generated" folder have been migrated to the worldgen folder (#362)
    • dimensions/test world structures now use their own folder called "structures_test"
      • reorders islands and structures into a separate folder
      • no longer needing the "generated" folder in the main world folder. just have the datapack in there, so there's no more confusion.
    • the "generated" folder has been removed and now only the datapack and resources pack are needed, in the Skyblock CE world.
  • moved mushroom island to islands section in world structures


custom structures:

  • Elytra are not part of the custom world and cannot be renewed naturally. (#358)
    • this issue has been fixed. from now on you can find a chest in a strongold that contains elytra and End templates "naturally" until the End is resolved.



  • removed unused strings:
    • "skyblock_classic_edition.skyblock_setup.legacy_version" and ""

functions and datapack:

  • removed many old scores in 1.21/1.21.1 (#347)
    • legacy score version has become mandatory (#202)
    • removed everything in "legacy" function (#242)
      • due to some internal changes removed the "PID_legacy" score for 1.21.X and replaced it with other scores that do the same job

custom structures:

  • it is no longer necessary to have the "generated" folder in the main world folder
    • so it has been renamed to remove. will be removed in 1.22

Full Changelog: 1.21_JE-0a...1.21_JE-4a

JE-1.21/1.21.1-6.0.0-Skyblock_Classic_Edition:RELEASE-CANDIDATE 2

06 Jan 13:07
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misc and other:

  • reunified portable version to main version:
    • this will have no effect except the numbering which will be the same as the main version
      • this was done to save time in releasing versions and for ease.
        BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...

Full Changelog: 1.21_JE-2a...1.21_JE-3a

JE-1.21/1.21.1-6.0.0-Skyblock_Classic_Edition:RELEASE-CANDIDATE 1

05 Jan 17:52
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Finally the first candied release is about to be launched and hopefully it will be the last one before the porting in the other versions of 1.21.X,

Happy 2025 to all.



functions and datapack:

  • added different warning sounds in conversion and other system messages in various functions (#245)
    • updated the "Import" function with the "bit" sound block
    • for the "legacy_pid" the "bell" is used
    • for the "PID" and the "SUBPID" the "chime" is used. in the SUBPID the pitch is 1 instead of 2
    • for the structures in the tests instead the amethyst block is used
      • backported for LTS


misc and other:

  • updated the translations and various corrections


functions and datapack:

  • the conversion did not work in the portable version. this problem has been fixed
    • i forgot to activate it.
      BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your own risk...

Full Changelog: 1.21_JE-1a...1.21_JE-2a


28 Dec 14:29
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Finally here is the first fix of this LTS. to see the whole list of bugs and backporting click here: List LTS.



misc and other:

  • disabled PID for LTS (#344 - #300)
    • will always be disabled for all LTS
  • updated translations


functions and datapack:

  • rearranged the UI popup at the beginning when making island decisions
    • also in the test for (#365)
  • changed the message in the popup for tests (#363)
  • added an Import system for worlds that do not have the Skyblock Classic Edition but want to migrate to the Skyblock CE map (#365)
  • added different warning sounds in conversion and other system messages in functions (#245)
  • added next to the obsolete version warning, how long does an LTS end. to warn players much earlier for the version change (#364)
  • added a new overlay for changes in future Minecraft versions
    • if it changes between updates, a new one will be added with the necessary change.
    • does nothing for now

custom structures world:

  • structures and islands in the "generated" folder have been migrated to the worldgen folder (#362)
  • dimension/test world structures now use their own folder called "structures_test"
    • reorder islands and structures in a separate folder
    • no longer needing to have the "generated" folder in the main world folder. just have the datapack in there, so there's no more confusion.

misc and other:

  • added Modrinth link for portable and normal versions and other links inside the datapack (#366)
    • added more links for portable versions
    • added missing links


custom structures world:

  • Elytra are not part of the custom world and cannot be renewed naturally. (#358)
    • this issue has been fixed. from now on you can find a chest in a strongold that contains the elytra and End templates in a "natural" way until it is fixed.


custom structures:

  • it is no longer necessary to have the "generated" folder in the main world folder
    • so it has been renamed to remove. it will be removed in the future

Full Changelog: 1.20.6_JE-4a...1.20.6_JE-5a

JE-1.21/1.21.1-6.0.0-Skyblock_Classic_Edition:PRE-RELEASE 1

23 Dec 15:14
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It's not long until Christmas so here's the first pre-release of 1.21. We're almost there.



  • updated translations
  • updated PID conversion
  • tested 1.21 completely and made various fixes
  • various fixes and improvements


functions and datapack:

  • re-added "PID 1" with "PID_legacy" for 1.21.X (#254)
    • also updated PID conversion to 1.21
  • added backwards compatible import for PID_0 from 1.20.6
    • improved legacy conversion for future releases



  • updated translations
    • removed unused strings:
      • "skyblock_classic_edition.skyblock_setup.legacy_version" and ""
    • and added new languages ​​for 1.21.X
      • added strings for:
        • the import system
        • the test version message
        • the end of the message of the cycle LTS


functions and datapack:

  • for various changes the "PID_legacy" for 1.21.X has been removed and replaced by other scores


functions and datapack:

  • the popup was not visible in the import. this problem has been fixed
    • also in 1.20.6 LTS
  • various small improvements

BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...
Full Changelog: 1.21_JE-0a...1.21_JE-1a


08 Dec 16:49
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Finally the first development version of 1.21 (and 1.21.1) is out. there are a lot of improvements and quality of life changes with support for worlds without the generated folder and a new separate version that can be portable and there is also a mod (thanks to Modrinth). in the meantime the LTS is still being updated and will be ready soon.
so enjoy this version XD!!!



  • added "Trial Chamber" in the world (#232)
  • removed many old scores in 1.21/1.21.1 (#347)
  • added Portable Version, a portable version
  • the structures and islands in the "generated" folder have been migrated to the worldgen folder (#362)
  • updated translations and removed some strings:
    • for now the new strings added are not translated in the various languages. it will be changed in the next version


functions and datapack:

  • reached the score that removes the progress in the custom world when starting the Skyblock
    • changed the message in the test popup (#363)
      • still to be translated
  • added a new overlay for changes in future versions of Minecraft
    • if it changes between updates, a new one will be added with the necessary change.
    • for now it does nothing
  • added an Import system for worlds that do not have the Skyblock Classic Edition but want to migrate to the Skyblock CE map (#365)
    • just click import at the beginning and the world is generated without anything (replace the level.dat if the structures are not generated)
    • you can also decide to delete the datapack if you want to go back to the previous way, without any problem.
      • still to be translated

worlds and maps:

  • added the "Trial Chamber" in the world (#232)
    • now you can renew most of the items and blocks of 1.21
    • i still have to test them, let me know if you find any bugs on my Discord server

misc and other:

  • updated to 1.21/1.21.1 (Tricky Trials)
    • updated to 48 in all overlays in the datapack
    • for now the PID remains in the previous version for compatibility
  • added the Portable Version (in 1.20.X and 1.21.X)
    • a version that only uses the datapack and that can be ported
  • also added the Modright page with the link, it works like the others
    • added the Modright link of the portable and normal version and other links inside the datapack (#366)
    • added more links for the portable versions
    • added the missing links
  • updated the translations
    • removed the strings no longer used:
      • "skyblock_classic_edition.skyblock_setup.legacy_version" and ""
      • and added new languages ​​for 1.21.X
        • these changes are not there yet but will be made in future dev build

custom structures:

  • updated world to 1.21.1


functions and datapack:

  • reordered the UI popup at the beginning when making island decisions
    • also in test

custom structures:

  • structures and islands in the "generated" folder have been migrated to the worldgen folder (#362)
    • dimension/test world structures now use their own folder called "structures_test"
    • reorder islands and structures in a separate folder
      • no longer need to have the "generated" folder in the main world folder. just have the datapack in there, so there's no more confusion.
    • moved mushroom island to islands section in world structures


custom structures:

  • Elytra are not part of the custom world and cannot be renewed naturally. (#358)
    • this issue has been fixed. from now on you can find a chest in a strongold that contains elytra and End templates in a "natural" way until the End is fixed.


functions and datapack:

  • removed many old scores in 1.21/1.21.1 (#347)
    • legacy version score has become mandatory (#202)
    • removed everything in "legacy" function (#242)

custom structures:

  • it is no longer necessary to have the "generated" folder in the main world folder
    • so it has been renamed to remove. it will be removed in the future

BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...

Full Changelog: 1.20.6_JE-4a...1.21_JE-0a


23 Sep 16:38
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I found some issues. here is the fix which I hope will be the last.




  • updated and improved translations and various fixes in translation files


functions and datapack:

  • removed the "PID_Fix_LTS" if you are in a world in 1.20.2
  • fix to the internal format in the pack
  • fixed an issue when you are in multiplayer, when you are with many players it can happen that some players are always in spectator
    • from now on the gamemode is always locked on survival

BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...

Full Changelog: 1.20.6_JE-3a...1.20.6_JE-4a


20 Sep 13:24
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Finally the third (second) LTS of my map history is out. this LTS will be supported for a long time (2/3 years?!) and there will be continuous bug fixes. I remind you: that my map converts everything to the new versions just replace the datapack by removing the old one and update the "generated" folder with the resources pack.
thanks and now to work with the 1.21/1.21.1 (yes I decided to update slowly).



  • added new structures in the world and dimensions world
  • added "Internal Tests" in the datapack only in development builds (#341)
  • updated to 1.20.6 and updated to 30 of 30 in all overlays in the datapack to break backwards compatibility, for the LTS (#259)
  • cleaned up and updated again the level.dat and level.dat_old for the LTS (#302)


worlds and maps:

  • added new structures in the custom world around
    • "Ocean Ruins" Structure added in the custom world (#183)
    • added variants of wolves in a structure in the dimensions world (#278)
      • this structure will be spawned near the village

functions and datapack:

  • added "Internal Tests" in the datapack only in development builds (#341)
    • the dimensions version will be kept and will work when the custom world becomes incompatible in new snapshot versions of Minecraft
    • there is information for replacing the level.dat
      • the branch of the versions of the dimensions will not be affected by this change
  • added a new score "SkyblockCE_final"
    • replaces the score at the end of the generation of the islands in the world of the dimensions
  • did a small refactoring of the scoreboard "SkyblockCE_structures" which is now "SkyblockCE_test_structures" and also of the "SkyblockCE_skip_structures" which is now "SkyblockCE_custom_structures"
    • the folders have been changed inside the datapack for better reading and management. everything is backwards compatible just remove the old datapack

custom structures world:

  • added the following structures to the world:
    • "Desert Well" added to the custom world (#320)
      • actually it has already been added but it does not generate naturally because it needs a base to generate
    • "Ocean Ruins" Structure added to the custom world (#183)
      • added algae to the "ocean_ruins" structure as a renewable object in the custom world (#336)
      • added coral blocks (all possible colors) to the "Ocean Ruins" structure in the custom world. so they are renewable (#335)
      • re-added fish and "Drowned" inside the "Ocean Ruins" structure (#261)
    • added wolf variants in a structure in the dimensions world (#278)
      • this structure will be generated near the village


custom structures world:

  • updated the structures world to 1.20.6 (Armored Paws Update)
  • converted the "Lost Memories" book into a geographic map and updated the folders inside the datapack
    • to update the world just download the new version and move the "map_1.dat" file into the data folder in the world.
      • this change will have no impact on existing worlds
      • updated the structures world to include the geographic map inside the chest

functions and datapack:

  • removed the level.dat message in the PID that must be changed in the custom world
    • this migration is only done if you have the dimensions world
      • you are still warned when converting the world if you are in the custom world. in the next version it will be removed
  • added the resistance effect in the "fix_custom_world" function
    • so the player does not take any damage while migrating the level.dat
  • added the "pid_remove" function, like the "pvn remove" function, remove all the older and obsolete "PIDs"
    • the limit is 20 and then the last one is removed
      • so they will not be removed instantly like PVNs
  • blocked the gamemode when generating the structures in the function
  • moved the SUBPIDs in their folder and removed the overlay with the folder in the datapack
    • added a SUBPID so during the conversion the player does not remain stuck in spectator
    • small improvements in the SUBPID section. now it's cleaner and more optimized

misc and other:

  • updated to 1.20.6 (Armored Paws Update)
    • for the LTS maintenance (#300)
      • updated to 30 out of 30 in all overlays in the datapack to break compatibility in previous versions (#259)
        • except in dimensions
  • cleaned and updated again the level.dat and the level.dat_old (#302)
    • will be cleaned and updated always in the LTS versions
    • it is not mandatory to update the level.dat
  • added the version of the map in the version_system (for example: JE-1.20.6-5.3.0-Skyblock_Classic_Edition:PRE-RELEASE-1)
    • this change will also be applied to the other maps
  • miscellaneous improvements


  • updated and improved the translations and various corrections in the translation files


functions and datapack:

  • fixed an issue with the link of the level.dat
    • didn't work for folder switching (fixed now)
  • removed "PID_Fix_LTS" if you convert a world in 1.20.2
  • fix to the internal format in the pack
  • fixed a problem when you are in multiplayer: when you are with many players it can happen that some players are always in spectator mode when they connect to the server for the first time,
    • from now on the gamemode is always stuck in survival if you are in spectator mode only in multiplayer
  • various small improvements and small fixes
    • various optimizations


functions and datapack:

  • removed the PSN
    • unfortunately I can't maintain it anymore and its features have become useless and obsolete, or decided to remove it, even the function itself,
      • this thing will not have any change in the datapack and the existing worlds can still be used, even the old ones but without any migration,
      • if you want to use the dimensions version but you want to find the new structures, you have to update the level.dat
        for the new structures you have to use a new world or delete the score manually every time,
        • it is recommended to do the migration

misc and other:

  • removed the file "65110991051011101163267105116121.png" in the misc folder for the conversion to the geographic map and integrated into the world

Full Changelog: 1.20.6_JE-2a...1.20.6_JE-4a


20 Sep 12:14
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This will be the last final release of 5.X.X, this LTS will last a long time (maybe 4 years?). 1.21.X will be the next one although it will take a while before everything is updated. thanks




  • updated and improved translations and various fixes

functions and datapack:

  • added subpid section in version file
    • various small improvements in datapack
      • updated "SUBPID" section
  • added level.dat message back in custom world
    • also added in size version


functions and datapack:

  • fixed an issue when converting a world in 5.3.0, the player remains in spectator mode if you are in 5.2.0
    • added subpid "1.20.5_SUBPID_0_1" to fix the issue
      • no changes, just a reset of player position
        BUILDING: They are development version and can be unstable, use it at your risk...

Full Changelog: 1.20.6_JE-1a...1.20.6_JE-2a