The official SurrealDB library for Python.
First install SurrealDB if you haven't already.
pip install surrealdb
Alternatively, you can use install it using Poetry
poetry add surrealdb
Create a new file and add the following code to try out some basic operations using the SurrealDB SDK.
from surrealdb import Surreal
async def main():
"""Example of how to use the SurrealDB client."""
async with Surreal("ws://localhost:8000/rpc") as db:
await db.signin({"user": "root", "pass": "root"})
await db.use("test", "test")
await db.create(
"user": "me",
"pass": "safe",
"marketing": True,
"tags": ["python", "documentation"],
print(await db.update("person", {
"marketing": False,
"tags": ["Awesome"]
print(await db.delete("person"))
# You can also use the query method
# doing all of the above and more in SurrealQl
# In SurrealQL you can do a direct insert
# and the table will be created if it doesn't exist
await db.query("""
insert into person {
user: 'me',
pass: 'very_safe',
tags: ['python', 'documentation']
print(await db.query("select * from person"))
print(await db.query("""
update person content {
user: 'you',
pass: 'more_safe',
tags: ['awesome']
print(await db.query("delete person"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio