This project contains python bindings for the unoffical tinder api. The tinder api is constantly changing and current libraries are not always up to date. This project is a mix of Pynder's style and Fbessez's endpoints/auth. Current a work in progress but is suitable for non-production projects.
Tinder switched away from account-kit. Please use the SMS auth file(updated 12/30) to get your tinder token. I suggest hard coding it into the file after you have obtained it.
If sms_auth is not working for you, you can find your tinder token using chrome inspector tool. Login to, and search it the network tab for a request from the api. Check the request Headers for x-auth-token. Once you copy it, paste it into See photo.
Please note, as of this update, I only tested through the example, and it all seemed to work. :) I have built two other projects off this api, include an auto swiper (tensorflow) and a GUI (Very unfinished). Feel free to check them out if you would like, but clone this repo as it is the most up to date api.
You will need to insert your tinder_token in the utils/ file. This currently uses SMS auth method for verification as FaceBook auth has changed. Clone this repo, in your project import tinder_api and get to work. The shows how to get rolling.
import tinder_api.session
sess = tinder_api.session.Session() # creates a session
print(sess.meta) # prints your meta data
sess.update_profile(bio="I love VIM") # updates your bio - see kwargs
for user in sess.yield_users():
user.gender # male or female # url of the photos # swipe right
user.pass() # swipe left
user.super_like() # swipe up # report for spam
for match in sess.yield_matches(): # all the same endpoints as a normal user
match.match_data # contains match data like messages/profile
match.message('Hello, I use VIM so I am superior to all those other programmers you've dated')
- ** Michael ** - Initial Work MMcintire96
- ** Sharkbound ** - Json Wrapper sharkbound
- ** Wowotek ** - Pull requests, cleanup and design wowotek
- Move more methods to JsonWrapper
- Optimize for speed -- UserController + NormalUser = 1.5s, MatchUser = 3.0s
- Maybe add
- Fix FB Auth Method