- Maybe add a path-drawing mode additionally to Bomb and Shooting mode
- MainWindow code and structure is ugly and bloated, I tried refactoring and I noticed it would take days and I am gonna let it be and hope I'll do it better next time from the start
- Needs a recode because of fugly code, probably in WPF (Done more or less)
- Also remove the extra features outside of damage printing (Done)
- Add automatic autoexec creation or extension for the con_logfile command specifically (Done I think)
- Use console output file from autoexec (con_logfile) (only if .log extension), otherwise put it in, or create the file, if nonexistent
- Support closing and opening the game while the program is open
- Save selected options in Documents. Settings might be:
- Minimum damage to be printed
- Also print killed players
- Withhold double console output
- Print amount of shots used
- Print more specific terms
- Only print when I die
- Print in in-game chat
- Only print for team
- ToDo list in Microsoft ToDo
- Recode of the original manager with extra features, maybe a protocol for GameBanana's one-click integration