Application gathers "package" information from steam based on predetermined packageids and stores in sqlite database.
- Reads package_ids from src/data/input_packages.json
- downloads data from API for these package_ids
- transform data to flat structure for package and package_apps
- saves data to respective _raw tables in the database (using _suffix but could just as well have been different schemas)
- runs query to create _stage table if not exists
- inserts from _raw to _stage only rows that have been modified based on a _hash
- exports full tables from _stage and saves as src/data/[table].csv
create a new virtual environment
python -m venv venv
activate virtual environment
win: venv\Scripts\actvate
*nix: source venv\bin\activate
update pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
install requirements
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
put package ids in src/data/input_packages.json file
run application
python src/