This repo is our mutual source of devrel-related knowledge. Having seen something valuable regarding developer advocacy recently? Read great article on developer evangelism yesterday? Maybe you've been to a nice devrel event?
Everything devrel-oriented that you consider valuable for sharing within the community that also do not violate our Code of Conduct, can be added to appropriate sections by making a pull request. Happy sharing!
- Defining Developer Relations - Phil Leggetter
- What is Developer Advocacy? - Ashley McNamara
- Developer Evangelism - Chris Heilmann
- Developer Experience VS User Experience? - Malte Ubl
- The Best Practices for a Great Developer Experience - Sam Jarman
- Things we can do to create a better Developer Experience - A. Sharif
- The Core Competencies of Developer Relations - Reto Meier
- DevRel: Marketing, Product Management, Or Neither? - Francine Hardaway
- Turning a community into evangelism helpers — DevRelCon Notes - Christian Heilmann
- A Year of Developer Relations - Brook Shelley
- Developer Relations Vs Marketing - Burke Holland
- Answering some questions on Developer Evangelism - Christian Heilmann
- 20 Articles on Developer Evangelism — The Ultimate List
- What does a developer evangelist/advocate do? - Christian Heilmann
- What in the world is a developer evangelist? - Michelle Nickolaisen
- Building Developer Relations Teams - Heavybit Industries
- Building the next developer experiences - Romain Huet
- Developers: customer or partner? - Sam Machin
- The developer relations bill of rights - Anil Dash
- Activating developers to drive your advocacy program - Brian Douglas
- Connecting dev rel and product - Bear Douglas
- The intersection of developer relations and product management - Matt Bernier
- Live API Teardown - Cristiano Betta
- So you have a code of conduct, now what? - Sarah Sharp
- How user research can improve the developer experience - Amelia Ambreu
- Building positive developer support experiences - Bear Douglas
- Measuring the Health of your OSS Community: Jono Bacon
- Measuring developer relations: Rey Bango
- Scaling developer evangelism: Rob Spectre
- Brick by brick approach to developer experience: Cristiano Betta
- Understanding burnout: Brandon West
- The Art of Slide Design - Melinda Seckington
- The Seven Deadly Sins of Developer Onboarding - Cristiano Betta
- Building effective community leaders: a guide - Jono Bacon
- Dev Advocacy FTW! - Alex Salazar
- Error Messages: Being Humble, Human, and Helpful - Kate Voss
- Building navigation for your doc site: 5 best practices - Tom Johnson
- Making Your Code Examples Shine - Larry Ullman
- Start with the tasks, not the endpoints - Sarah Hersh
- How to grow and use a strong community - Mada Seghete
- Scaling external advocacy without losing your soul - Joe Nash
- Why developer relations should care about design - Melissa Powel
- Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary - Jarred Kenealy
- Going to infinity and beyond documentation with OpenAPI - Taylor Barnett
- Open source events and business strategy - Leslie Hawthorn & Laura Czajkowski
- Reactive versus proactive strategies for developer relations - Jessica West
- Tackling technical debt in the docs - Louise Fahey
- Measuring the impact of your documentation - Liam Keegan