Releases: Metaphoriker/randomizer-cs2
Releases · Metaphoriker/randomizer-cs2
- searchbar prompt text is now centered (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add randomizer folder to the repository with premade sequences (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update javafx to v23 (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- check for nulls in order to fix a very specific text rendering NPE (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now catches errors inside the uncaught exceptions handler (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fixed when creating a new action sequence, that the edited before will appear on open (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- updater closing too soon (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now not finish-processing sequences which got cancelled and are technically finished but aren't (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- removed buggy interruptedSequences (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fix sync success (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Code Refactoring
- renamed randomizer directory to .randomizer (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- renamed randomizer directory to .randomizer (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- bump versions (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- c8f8c74: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- capped range-slider width to 450 (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 0304150: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 33b6856: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 229a145: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fixed sequence description getting (CuzIamBusted)
- added sync succes icon (CuzIamBusted)
Latest Release
- searchbar prompt text is now centered (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add randomizer folder to the repository with premade sequences (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update javafx to v23 (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- check for nulls in order to fix a very specific text rendering NPE (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now catches errors inside the uncaught exceptions handler (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fixed when creating a new action sequence, that the edited before will appear on open (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- updater closing too soon (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now not finish-processing sequences which got cancelled and are technically finished but aren't (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- removed buggy interruptedSequences (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fix sync success (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Code Refactoring
- renamed randomizer directory to .randomizer (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- renamed randomizer directory to .randomizer (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- bump versions (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- c8f8c74: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- capped range-slider width to 450 (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 0304150: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 33b6856: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 229a145: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fixed sequence description getting (CuzIamBusted)
- added sync succes icon (CuzIamBusted)
- add X button to updater (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- improved error dialog of updater (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- improved updating logic which is now multi thread driven (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- config sync button now loads the cs2 config of the user and saves it into the config (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implemented sync failed if the randomizer can't find the config (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- updater's progress bar now no longer has white corners (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- loading the version for the title is now async. the randomizer starts up faster now (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- randomizer is now closing again (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- Fixed Label text for config path (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- replace \ with / for config path to avoid malformed encoding (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- temporarily load user config path at startup (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Code Refactoring
- moved interval settings into general settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- little refactoring for the general settings controller (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- removed unused root cause (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- removed unused first start (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- removed loading gif since it finds the config too fast (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- logbook history now takes complete right side of the randomizerView (CuzIamBusted)
- added button to select the config path (CuzIamBusted)
- play button is now correctly centered (CuzIamBusted)
- fixed width of sync path container (CuzIamBusted)
- added synch failed icons (CuzIamBusted)
- added styling for the sync path failing (CuzIamBusted)
- added styling for loading animation when the path is loading (CuzIamBusted)
- removed loading gif since it finds the config too fast (CuzIamBusted)
- fixed size of sync failed icons (CuzIamBusted)
- added an indicator if the config could not be found (CuzIamBusted)
- activate settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implement first raw settings logic (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add first logic of general settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implemented update settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implemented show intro setting from general settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add tooltip to sync button (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add sync button (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- general settings now show the correct config path (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update jshepherd (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implement update check logic for update settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- implement update notifier logic (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- general settings are now selected by default (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update updater design (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- general settings issues (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- properties escape char issue (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- config properties in settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- settings selection is now fixed (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- settings buttons now choose the correct settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now settings values are correctly loaded (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Code Refactoring
- update alert styling (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- overwork alerts (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- small changes to user error dialogs (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add todo command for later adjustments (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update jshepherd (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- bump version (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- commented out interval settings for now (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- added styling for the general und updater settings in the settingsView (CuzIamBusted)
- added scroll bar to sequence selection in the BuilderView (CuzIamBusted)
- vertical scroll-bars now uses full vertical height (CuzIamBusted)
- now the action count and executed at of history containers are right-aligned (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- action count now shows correctly if the sequence has more than 10 actions in it (CuzIamBusted)
- de3de0f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- added hover effect for the repository link (CuzIamBusted)
- cfe5661: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- added a cursor to everything that is clickable (CuzIamBusted)
- config path is now a textfield instead of a label (CuzIamBusted)
- 1a7e4fb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- made separator in builderEditorView brighter (CuzIamBusted)
- config path textfield now has a fixed width (CuzIamBusted)
- 3526711: Handle exceptions gracefully in update checks. (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- alert text is now wrapped (CuzIamBusted)
- add tooltip to updateIndicator (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add functionality for view switching inside settings (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- now using Platform.exit() instead of System.exit(0) (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- action updates are now ran on the UI thread (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- (hopefully) fixing redispatchment issues (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Code Refactoring
- optimized updater structure, reducing file size of updater (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add todo (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- bump versions (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- settings view is once again disabled, since it should not be in the upcoming bugfix-release (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
Bug Fixes
- second update check for indicator is now async and the updater now finds the correct version (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- add new gif (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- bump versions (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- c0ebdbc: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- now discarding all running actions instead of releasing ALL keys (Metaphoriker)
- added state indicator if CS2 is not in focus (CuzIamBusted)
- added icons for the toggle buttons in the settingsView (CuzIamBusted)
- add cursor to multiple components (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- added update indicator to navigation bar (CuzIamBusted)
- added sync Icon for the config path (CuzIamBusted)
- refact folder name (CuzIamBusted)
- added Config path setting to the fxml (CuzIamBusted)
- action count won't get cut from the sequence name anymore (CuzIamBusted)
- fixed units from minmax slider disappearing (CuzIamBusted)
- apply buttons in Sequence and Action Settings now stick to the bottom right corner (CuzIamBusted)
- disable settings button again (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- update updater to show an error dialog and close the updater respectively when not being able to update (Metaphoriker)
- add scoreboard to actions (Metaphoriker)
- filters in the builder actions view are now memorized in the config (Metaphoriker)
- add filler view for editor (Metaphoriker)
Bug Fixes
- now skips actions which are not recognizable to still be able to run (Metaphoriker)
- positional styling concurrent modification exception - racing condition (Metaphoriker)
- update config defaults (Metaphoriker)
- delete launcher build (Metaphoriker)
- first step for first time startup (Metaphoriker)
- bump version for 1.0.3 (Metaphoriker)
- add todo comment (Metaphoriker)
- d01a41d: Update (CuzIamBusted)
- play/stop styling is now centered (CuzIamBusted)
- added stetch for the SettingsView (CuzIamBusted)
- removed dead code (Metaphoriker)
- added styling for the SettingsView (CuzIamBusted)
- c11a861: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- e85c166: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 882b203: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 920a573: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- aa0ff7f: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- 24dec48: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (Metaphoriker)
- fixed scroll bar thumb not showing (CuzIamBusted)
- c7e67d9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (CuzIamBusted)
- 1a61101: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- fixed spacing between Sequence name and active action (CuzIamBusted)
- 8380de6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (CuzIamBusted)
Bug Fixes
- randomizer now releases all keys before closing the software (Metaphoriker)
- progress-bar should now work as intended (Metaphoriker)
- frontend bugs on the randomizer view with actions not being marked right and sequences not being cleaned up (Metaphoriker)
- randomizer now releases all keybinds on close (Metaphoriker)
- fix progress bar bug and index out of bounds (Metaphoriker)
- add logging to key releasing (Metaphoriker)
- bump version for fix release (Metaphoriker)
- removed progress bar from screen (Metaphoriker)
- add settings button functionality and an empty view (Metaphoriker)
- add experimental spinner buttons (Metaphoriker)
- add style classes to spinner buttons (Metaphoriker)
- implemented action view logic (Metaphoriker)
- tooltips are now instant (Metaphoriker)
- settings view are now seperated and implemented (Metaphoriker)
- update gif (Metaphoriker)
Bug Fixes
- fxml name (Metaphoriker)
- fixed recursive update on view loading (Metaphoriker)
- when started out of the IDE there is no NOT FOUND version anymore, but a DEVELOPMENT (Metaphoriker)
- make sequence icon invisible if there is no sequence displayed (Metaphoriker)
- initially fills the first action sequence clicked now (Metaphoriker)
- fixed bug where title & description did not change when another sequence has been selected (Metaphoriker)
- when deleting the opened sequence the editor will be closed (Metaphoriker)
- editor stays the same after saving a sequence (Metaphoriker)
- sequences are now not opened at creation anymore (Metaphoriker)
- settings button not working (Metaphoriker)
- editor still being there when adding a new sequence (Metaphoriker)
- remove redundant advanced mode from config (Metaphoriker)
- update config library (Metaphoriker)
- remove update indicator and auto update setting from home-view (Metaphoriker)
- overwork README (Metaphoriker)
- intermediate of new Builder View to start with design (Metaphoriker)
- update GitHub workflow (Metaphoriker)
- remove all old assets (Metaphoriker)
- add style class when hbox is selected (Metaphoriker)
- deleted unused class (Metaphoriker)
- bump version to 1.0.0 (Metaphoriker)
- 597df38: Update (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- first design changes (Metaphoriker)
- RandomizerView redesigned (Metaphoriker)
- removed traffic light state indicator from randomizer (Metaphoriker)
- integrated preloading gif (Metaphoriker)
- redesigned navigation bar (CuzIamBusted)
- 3571e54: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (CuzIamBusted)
- changed background color of the randomizer window (CuzIamBusted)
- redesigned home view and (CuzIamBusted)
- navigationbar now resizes correctly (Metaphoriker)
- first steps redesigning the randomizer view (CuzIamBusted)
- added Icons for randomizer view (CuzIamBusted)
- update Updater to current version and bump to 1.0.0 (Metaphoriker)
- added styling for the logbook and the sequence interval settings (CuzIamBusted)
- 3154acd: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (Metaphoriker)
- cleaned up MinMaxSlider a bit (Metaphoriker)
- adjusted styling of MinMaxSlider (CuzIamBusted)
- redesigned the logbook history (CuzIamBusted)
- adjusted background image on the settings view (CuzIamBusted)
- a594712: Create LICENSE (Benjamin Sommerfeld)
- updated randomizer logo (CuzIamBusted)
- added randomizer logo to title bar (CuzIamBusted)
- added icons for builder view (CuzIamBusted)
- randomizer view now dynamically grows (Metaphoriker)
- redesigned builder view (CuzIamBusted)
- randomizer view now resizes correctly (CuzIamBusted)
- fixed builderview not being offset (CuzIamBusted)
- added styling for BuilderActionsView (CuzIamBusted)
- adjusted BuilderEditorView (CuzIamBusted)
- adjusted formatting (CuzIamBusted)
- added first styling to BuilderEditorView and removed ImageView from the Controller (CuzIamBusted)
- removed padding from the sequence name label and description (CuzIamBusted)
- added styling for BuilderEditorView and removed unused stylings (CuzIamBusted)
- small size adjustments in the BuilderEditorView (CuzIamBusted)
- fixed text in togglebuttons getting wrapped (CuzIamBusted)
- now using FXML annotated initialize method instead of one runned via Platform (Metaphoriker)
- BuilderView is now well structured into multiple views and dissolved the old BuilderView (Metaphoriker)
- the settings Holder is now seperated into sequence and action settings ([CuzIamBusted](
- add sprint (Metaphoriker)
- once a sequence is finished, it is still displayed until a new one arrives (Metaphoriker)
Bug Fixes
- clear button now doesn't set to 0 anymore, but to 0,1 (Metaphoriker)
- certain keys can be cancelled due to localization issues of NativeHook (Metaphoriker)
- version is not recognized when jar file name has a space in it (Metaphoriker)
- experimental fix to set ran actions visually as ran (Metaphoriker)
- hacky solution to fix that the randomizer isn't pressing any keys outside of CS2 (Metaphoriker)
- builder issues with drop indicator not removing when dragging too fast (Metaphoriker)
- add info log (Metaphoriker)
- bump version to BETA-0.1.1 (Metaphoriker)
- updated logo (CuzIamBusted)