Hello here
Minecraft version: 1.19+
Core: paper
- Create paper server
- Download latest version of my plugin
- Add plugin in plugins directory
- Create mysql database
Command to work with discord bot
Command to show player's rank
- tableName: Name of the database table
- chatActivityRatio and gameActivityRatio it is cofficients for ranks
- db it is database settings
- discordAnnoyMessage this message for annoy people for adding discord account
- discordLinkMessage this message for copy link to add discord account
- For using last two parameters you will use with discord bot
tableName: "players"
chatActivityRatio: 0.5
gameActivityRatio: 0.5
host: "localhost"
port: "3307"
dbName: "rank-system"
login: "rankSystemPlugin"
password: "12345678"
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You haven't linked a discord
If you link a discord, we will be able to give you a rank on our discord server
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To bind the discord, [copy] the id and write to our bot /minecraft <your-id>
The bot is located on our discord server https://discord .gg/sKgypSe7gW