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netop://ウエハ edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 5 revisions

Brain Dump

Similar to the personalOS concept, nn (Inter(NetNavi)gator) consists of a core with several modules to extend functionality.

Core Modules

Each module is in effect its own API. This is to allow further extension beyond core programming. An example third-party module would be one that provides knowledge about Harajuku slang. nn-emotion would be needed for inflection, nn-hearing to recognize the slang being said, nn-speech to verbalize such words, and nn-thought to understand and use the correct context.


  Take a personality quiz and then decide if you want your NetNavi to have a similar personality to yours or not.


  Keyword(s) (to activate NetNavi)
    - name
    - nickname
  Events (could also be used to activate NetNavi)
    - alarm
    - charging, add to charger, remove from charger (all these for devices)
  Listening sensitivity


  Facial recognition, OCR and QR support


  Simple chart to choose how you want your NetNavi to sound (a couple presets are available)
    - high vs deep voice
    - fast vs slow speaker
    - curt vs drawn out (Matthew McConaughey in his Lincoln)
  - speech cadence


  Calendar (time/date/events)
  Math (super easy)


  NetNavi is constantly learning intent and learns new phrases and idioms from you. Maybe Navi can ask what something means?

    Me: "That shit is boof"
    Navi: "What does 'boof' mean?"
    Me: "Boof means 'wack'"

Folder Structure

├─ …
├─ core
├─ modules
│  ├─ purpose
│  |  ├─ battle
│  |  └─ weather
│  └─ utility
│     ├─ emotion
│     ├─ hearing
│     ├─ sight
│     ├─ speech
│     └─ thought
└─ …
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