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Minority Programmers Association is proud to sponsor and announce the winners to the inaugural #DefiSummer event.
#DefiSummer is a summer long celebration, summit, and hackathon for decentralized finance. Starting June 1st, developers from all around the world can team up with each other and get direct access to industry professionals to solve the biggest issues surrounding the #decentralized finance space. Would love for mentors, judges, sponsors and participants to get involved in this community event. Organized by the Minority Programmers Association looking to bring more fresh faces into STEM & #blockchain.
Global #banking solutions. #Blockchain #consultancy. #NFT marketplaces. Smart contract development. Trading automation. Blockchain #governance. Find a team, learn how to do it, build a project, win prizes & #internships, and celebrate all summer. #DeFiSummer is a celebration, summit, and #hackathon for #decentralized finance organized by the Minority Programmers Association. Sign up today at https://defi.devpost.com/ and join the discord http://discord.gg/TAmSpBvmR2
- DefiSummer Playlist: ALL VIDEOS https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfkTuB2ltX13gxXpdQ8aAQbIcMuycOkIq
- DefiSummer KickOff https://youtu.be/9Rldobm7E58
- DefiSummer: Introduction to Blockchain & DeFi (decentralized finance) https://youtu.be/C9qImoS5S6I
- DefiSummer: Intro to Stellar https://youtu.be/bE99gLbZhWM
- DefiSummer: Introduction to NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) https://youtu.be/7ayWjEBq8Xo
- DefiSummer: Deploy a NFT on Testnet https://youtu.be/WNhW3xZDvOU
- DefiSummer: How to Get Started Developing on Stellar https://youtu.be/ObwCpA_AX9Q
- DefiSummer: Adding Web3 to React dApps https://youtu.be/D4k05t2GWlM
- DefiSummer: Intro to On-Chain Asset Management - Enzyme.Finance https://youtu.be/0XqgLUn_eN8
- DefiSummer: eLearning & Blockchain https://youtu.be/rS_ZrIwayfA
- DefiSummer: Uncryptd - Web3 W/ Incentivizes https://youtu.be/WVG3ZOJPSHY
- DefiSummer: Formal Verification of DeFi Project w/ CTO of Runtime Verification https://youtu.be/Ck2WgIha6dQ
- DefiSummer: Test Driven Development w/ Solidity & Truffle https://youtu.be/5-g2JpI2z9Q
- DefiSummer: Designing Tokenomics https://youtu.be/KCMRgK3A_Y4
- DefiSummer: Building w/ Idle https://youtu.be/4dxS2A4hvIM
- DefiSummer: Blockchain Consultancy https://youtu.be/bwHLMqFj25Y
- DefiSummer: Idle DAO Explained https://youtu.be/GINXFoUcnEY
- DefiSummer: Introduction to LongHashX: Web 3 Accelerator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miQ_AsmESEE
- DefiSummer: LongHashX: Q&A Segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6yaNGFxIW0
- DefiSummer: Deploying NFTs on Bitcoin w/ Clarity https://youtu.be/XlI-VLa_J3I
- DeFiSummer Devpost https://defi.devpost.com/
- DeFiSummer Discord http://discord.gg/TAmSpBvmR2
- DeFiSummer Twitter http://twitter.com/defisummer
- DefiSummer Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/DefiSummer/
- DefiSummer Schedule https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQQH2V2hpayBu9oRrOpZRrDxrcI4085FFlyfmNi2lQ-vWmw8r6lv2RFnlwcaGmEBGXhX_R3PyCaxReN/pubhtml
- Stellar Prize Track ($3000 in $XLM)
- Enzyme Protocol Automation for Funds ($4000 in $MLN)
- PlutoPepe Choose Your Own Adventure Governance ($1000 in $PLUTO)
- PlutoPepe Smart Contract Game ($1000 in $PLUTO)
- PlutoPepe NFT Meme Marketplace ($1000 in $PLUTO)
- Minority Programmers Learning Incentivization (MPA Blockchain Engineering Internship)
- Blockchain Consultancy (Blockchain Consultancy Internship x2 /Echelon Digital Consulting & Minority Programmers Association/
- Idle Integration ($2000 in $IDLE)
- Idle Strategies ($2000 in $IDLE)