Protects source-engine servers from people abusing authentication timeouts
AuthProtect runs on any sourcemod game.
- Basecomm (or a plugin with similar functionality)
When a player is not authenticated with steam, AuthProtect will:
- Communication: Players cannot speak or chat until they are authenticated.
- Chat Communication (if no other plugin overrides chat behavior)
- Voice Communication (note: requires basecomm or similar)
- Movement: Players cannot move, attack, or drop weapons until they are authenticated.
- Sprays: Players cannot place player sprays until they are authenticated.
AuthProtect additionally changes the steam-auth-error disconnect reason to be more verbose:
Disconnect: AUTH_FAIL
Steam did not authorize your session in time
This is usually caused by steam being down
You are not banned, and you are free to re-join.
[This server is protected by AuthProtect]