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This repository includes scripts to deploy a cluster with GlusterFS, Docker, Spark and JupyterHub services on bare-metal. Currently, it only supports Opennebula platform.
Lokum uses emma ansible playbooks to deploy services.
docker pull nlesc/lokum:latest
Edit config/opennebula_k8s.tpl to adjust the following VM settings:
CPU = "2.0"
VCPU = "2"
MEMORY = "4096"
NIC = [
There are two SIZE variables. The first one is for the cluster itselft and the second one is for the persistent storage. The default values are about 15G and 30G.
Edit config/variables.tf and set user credentials.
docker run --rm --net=host -it \
-v $(pwd)/config:/lokum/config \
-v $(pwd)/deployment:/lokum/deployment \
Confirm the planned changes by typing yes
Configuration and the ssh-keys of each deployed cluster will be stored under deployment/clusterX folder.
You can connect to the nodes using generated ssh keys. For example:
ssh -i ./deployment/cluster0/id_rsa_lokum_root.key root@SERVER_IP
ssh -i ./deployment/cluster0/id_rsa_lokum_ubuntu.key ubuntu@SERVER_IP
Run the following command in main lokum directory.
docker run --rm --net=host -it \
-v $(pwd)/config:/lokum/config \
-v $(pwd)/deployment:/lokum/deployment \
DEPLOYMENT_DIR=/lokum/deployment/cluster0; ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False; export CLUSTER_NAME=lokum; cd /lokum/emma/vars; sh ./create_vars_files.sh; cd /lokum/emma; ansible-playbook -i ${DEPLOYMENT_DIR}/hosts.yaml --extra-vars 'CLUSTER_NAME=lokum' start_platform.yml --skip-tags 'jupyterhub,cassandra' --private-key=${DEPLOYMENT_DIR}/id_rsa_lokum_ubuntu.key -v
To check Apache Spark open the link below in a browser: http://NODE_1_IP:8080/