TaskForge is a web application that allows users to authenticate, create, edit, and delete to-do items. It utilizes Firebase for database management and authentication. The frontend is developed using Svelte, and the project is managed using PNPM.
Make sure you have the following tools installed on your machine:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Nassefferjeni/TaskForge.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd TaskForge
Install dependencies using pnpm:
pnpm install
Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and populate it with the following environment variables:
VITE_API_KEY=your-api-key VITE_AUTH_DOMAIN=your-auth-domain VITE_PROJECT_ID=your-project-id VITE_STORAGE_BUCKET=your-storage-bucket VITE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=your-messaging-sender-id VITE_APP_ID=your-app-id
To run the development server:
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the app.