View Source: contracts/CherrySwap.sol
↗ Extends: Initializable, CherryPool
Create, manage and store all interest rate swaps within the Cherryswap platform. Offers one side of a swap with the other taken by a liquidity pool. The offered rate is a function of the pool demand (utilization) and the current floating rates.
enum Bet {
struct Swap {
address owner,
uint256 swapId,
uint256 startingTime,
uint256 endingTime,
uint256 fixedRateOffer,
uint256 amount,
uint256 cTokenAmount,
uint256 reserveAmount,
uint256 startingcTokenExchangeRate,
enum CherrySwap.Bet bet
Constants & Variables
//internal members
uint256 internal constant MAX_INTEREST_PAID_PER_BLOCK;
uint256 internal constant ALPHA;
uint256 internal constant BETA;
uint256 internal constant RAGE_QUITE_PENALTY;
uint256 internal constant ONE_MONTH_SECONDS;
//public members
struct CherrySwap.Swap[] public swaps;
event CreateLongPosition(address indexed trader, uint256 indexed swapId, uint256 startingTime, uint256 endingTime, uint256 daiAmount, uint256 cDaiAmount, uint256 fixedRate, uint256 amountReserved, uint256 startingcDaiExchRate);
event CreateShortPosition(address indexed trader, uint256 indexed swapId, uint256 startingTime, uint256 endingTime, uint256 daiAmount, uint256 cDaiAmount, uint256 fixedRate, uint256 amountReserved, uint256 startingcDaiExchRate);
event ClosePosition(uint256 indexed swapId, address indexed trader, uint256 cDaiRedeemed, uint256 daiTransfered);
event FixedRateOffer(uint256 rate);
- initialize(address _token, address _cToken, address _cherryMath)
- createLongPosition(uint256 _amount)
- createShortPosition(uint256 _amount)
- closePosition(uint256 _swapId)
- tokensToPayTrader(struct CherrySwap.Swap _swap)
- rageQuitSwap(uint256 _swapId)
- numSwaps()
- getFixedRateOffer(enum CherrySwap.Bet bet)
- getFloatingValue(uint256 _startingExchangeRate, uint256 _endingExchangeRate, uint256 _amount)
⤾ overrides CherryPool.initialize
Initialize contract states
function initialize(address _token, address _cToken, address _cherryMath) public nonpayable initializer
Name | Type | Description |
_token | address | |
_cToken | address | |
_cherryMath | address |
requires long pool utilization < 100% and enough liquidity in the long pool to cover trader.
function createLongPosition(uint256 _amount) external nonpayable isLongUtilized
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | the number of Dai that the buyer will pay for their long position |
requires short pool utlization < 100% and enough liquidity in the short pool to cover trader
function createShortPosition(uint256 _amount) external nonpayable isShortUtilized
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | the number of Dai that the buyer will pay for their short position |
if the time is after the end of the swap then they will receive the swap rate for the duration of the swap and then the floating market rate between the end of the swap and the current time.
function closePosition(uint256 _swapId) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_swapId | uint256 | swap number |
long offer swap where the liquidity pool is short: receiving a fixed rate and paying a floating rate
function tokensToPayTrader(struct CherrySwap.Swap _swap) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_swap | struct CherrySwap.Swap |
This will eject them from the position, free up liquidity and they walk away with some dai however there is a heavy penalty in doing this!
function rageQuitSwap(uint256 _swapId) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_swapId | uint256 |
function numSwaps() public view
Name | Type | Description |
calculate the offered fixed rate for swaps taken against the liquidity pool in future this will be updated to consider the size of the positon. for now it's kept simple.
function getFixedRateOffer(enum CherrySwap.Bet bet) public nonpayable
returns(_fixedRateOffer uint256)
_fixedRateOffer offered fixed rate
Name | Type | Description |
bet | enum CherrySwap.Bet | position bet (long or short) |
this acts to scale the amount by the change in exchange rate seen by the cToken. If the starting cToken exchange rate is stored and the end rate is known then this function returns the value that _amount has grown by.
function getFloatingValue(uint256 _startingExchangeRate, uint256 _endingExchangeRate, uint256 _amount) public view
swap position valuation
Name | Type | Description |
_startingExchangeRate | uint256 | starting cToken exchange rate |
_endingExchangeRate | uint256 | ending cToken exchange rate |
_amount | uint256 | token amount |