Turtle Road Crossing Introduction Turtle Road Crossing is a classic arcade-style game where the player controls a turtle trying to cross a busy road. The goal is to safely navigate the turtle across the road while avoiding oncoming traffic. As the player progresses, the game becomes more challenging with faster-moving cars.
Gameplay Use the arrow key UP" to move the turtle up. Navigate the turtle across the road without getting hit by oncoming cars. Each successful crossing increases the player's score and advances to the next level. Cars move faster with each new level, increasing the difficulty. If the turtle collides with a car, the game ends and displays the player's final score.
Contributing Contributions to Turtle Road Crossing are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, please submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.
Special thanks to the Python Turtle library for providing the graphics and animation capabilities.