GUI interface for Arduino Control in the Web though ESP8266 Core without NodeMCU
Here are two PWM pins for controlling pin 10 and 11 And also two fully digital pins for controlling pin 12 and 13
We can create all sorts of fancy UI but this is the basic
Step 1: Paste the IP address obtained from successfully completing the physical connection in .env file
Checkout espNArduino branch if you haven't setup your physical connection
Step 2: Install the necessary npm modules using 'npm i'
Step 3: Then start the server using 'npm start'
After that you are happy to play with this thing
So to summarize web gui sends a GET request
to server setup in ESP8266 with arguments and then the server program at ESP8266 parses the information
And communicates the necessary data to Arduino using serial ports
After that arduino receives the transmissions breaks it down and executes it.