BSC Studio v0.10.2
Support native truffle (without docker). If you want to import an existing truffle project to BSC Studio, consider using the following
file// truffle-config.js const config = require('./config.json') // the config file of BSC Studio module.exports = { compilers: { solc: { version: config.compilers.solc, settings: { optimizer: config.compilers.optimizer, evmVersion: config.compilers.evmVersion, }, } }, networks: { development: { host: '', port: 62743, network_id: '*' } } }
- Support Hardhat and Waffle
- Allow selecting npm client (npm, yarn, or cpnm) when creating a new project
- Add a project toolbar button to run scripts defined in
- Expose the network RPC in order for truffle & hardhat to connect the running network
- Expose keypairs to sign transactions issued from truffle & hardhat
- Allow sending BNB in contract deployment
- Do lint for solidity files on change
- Improve markdown rendering
- Add editor configuration (font family, font size & font ligatures) in project settings
- Display remote projects in the header dropdown menu
Contract Explorer
- Render the return value in pretty format for contract methods
- Display and save the returned result from contract executions
- Parse and display errors for transactions (transfer, deployment and contract execution)
- Display keypair names in inputs of type address[]
- Get transaction history for local nodes
- Allow modifying the code hash in ABI Storage
- Save a list of custom network connections
- Fix many other bugs