Copy Outfits
allows to copy outfits and more.
It is basically the same as 'Outfit Tools - Copy Any Outfit v4' by scumbumbo while the code has been written from scratch and menu interactions have been added to replace the cheat console input.
With the current update the sims appearance can be cloned completely.
It allows to copy outfits from one sim to the other and also to and from special categories. Outfits for Toddlers are only available for Toddlers, the same applies to Children. Outfits for Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder are shared for these age groups.
Copy Outfits
is a 'hidden' debug menu as it is meant to fix issues or to prepare sims but not for normal game play.
Enable cheats with testingcheats true
to activate it and Shift-click on sims to use it.
As of 2024-07 it offers experimental support for mannequins and some menus have been restructured.
Some icons (128x128 px² DDS images) are broken on purpose as this is a beta mod (or a TS4 issue).
All adult and child mannequins are supported.
Pasting an outfit to a naked mannequin doesn't dress it. Such an outfit can't be bought by sims.
Select (or pick if at least one outfit exists) an outfit category like 'EVERYTHING'. The category will be filled with missing outfits until the limit is reached (0-4 for EVERYTHING, 0-2 for CAREER, ...). This allows to paste outfits to otherwise unavailable outfit slots.
Copy Outfits > Add Outfits > Category | X-Category | Picker | X-Picker
- Available but not implemented: Picker | X-Picker
The TS4 skin tone is not a CAS Part. Now it can be cloned while it is not the same as many 'CC skin tones and overlays' which usually use a body slot.
Copy Outfits > Copy
to select the source sim.Copy Outfits > Clone > Characteristics > Skintone
to transfer the TS4 skin tone.
This menu is always visible while it only works if there is an outfit in the clipboard 0. A mannequin is added to the lot.
In build-buy mode the number of allowed mannequins is limited. Adding to much of them makes it impossible to exit build-buy mode until the mannequins have been deleted. There are 3rd party mods available to increase this number.
CC skin tones and/or overlays which are bound to the wrist, tattoo and/or other body locations can be transferred with Clone > Everything
and/or Clone > CAS Parts > All
and they will collide with skin parts applied to the head.
Normally one will clone sim skins this way.
The Skins should only be applied to mannequins without a skin as they are bound to the (mannequin) head. Skins don't work out of the box as this mod does not contain skins. It contains CAS parts to reference skins by other creators. Such skins usually do not contain 'underwear'. The vanilla 'Censor Grid' is not applied to mannequins but the default TS4 'Sexy Underwear' is applied to them.
Skins can of course be applied to sims too, this might deform the head and binds the skin to the head. Probably not what you want. But it gives you the freedom to use all body slots normally as 'head' is usually not used.
The normal versions (not overlay) are supported. These can be used normally for sims, and if installed also for mannequins (usually limited to one skin out of 30).
- This Is Them
- TYAE Female: PamelaA, Rihanna, SalmaH, SelenaG
- TYAE Female: Abény, Anok, Asha, Ashley, Clémentine, Divya, Hye-Jeong, Jenna, Nayla, Suzie, Yoon Young
- TYAE Male: A$AP, Dijbril, Jacob&Barry
- Child Female: 18, 19, 22, 23
- Child Male: 17, 19, 23, 24
- Dark Pink:
- TYAE Female: Miami Skin V1
- JaySims
- TYAE Female: 7, 8
The 'Clone' menu offers now a global 'Everything' option and two menus for 'Characteristics' and/or 'CAS Parts'. The CAS Parts are grouped into:
- Garment: Hat FullBody UpperBody LowerBody Shoes Cummerbund Gloves Socks Tights AttachmentBack
- Head: Head Teeth Eyecolor EyecolorSecondary SkindetailNoseColor Hair HaircolorOverride FacialHair
- Piercing: LipRingLeft LipRingRight NoseRingLeft NoseRingRight BrowRingLeft BrowRingRight
- Head Jewelry: Earrings Glasses Necklace
- Hand Jewelry: WristLeft WristRight IndexFingerLeft IndexFingerRight RingFingerLeft RingFingerRight MiddleFingerLeft MiddleFingerRight
- Head Paint: LipsTick EyeShadow EyeLiner Blush Facepaint Eyebrows Mascara
- Skin: SkinOverlay BodyhairArm BodyhairTorsofront BodyhairLeg BodyhairTorsoback
- Tattoo: TattooArmLowerLeft TattooArmUpperLeft TattooArmLowerRight TattooArmUpperRight TattooLegLeft TattooLegRight TattooTorsoBackLower TattooTorsoBackUpper TattooTorsoFrontLower TattooTorsoFrontUpper
- Nail Color: Fingernail Toenail
- Occults: OccultBrow OccultEyeSocket OccultEyeLid OccultMouth OccultLeftCheek OccultRightCheek OccultNeckScar
- Scars: ForearmScar BodyscarArmleft BodyscarTorsofrontvalue, BodyscarLegleft BodyscarArmright BodyscarTorsoback BodyscarLegright
- Other: Acne SkindetailAcnePuberty SkindetailFreckles Bodyfreckles SkindetailDimpleLeft SkindetailDimpleRight Bite Scarface
- Mole / Crease: SkindetailMoleLipLeft SkindetailMoleLipRight SkindetailMoleCheekLeft SkindetailMoleCheekRight SkindetailCreaseMouth SkindetailCreaseForehead Moleface Molechestupper Molebackupper
- Marks: Birthmarkface Birthmarktorsofront Birthmarktorsoback StretchmarksFront StretchmarksBack Birthmarkarms Birthmarklegs
- Horse: Saddle Bridle Reins Blanket SkindetailHoofColor HairMane HairTail HairForelock HairFeathers Horn TailBase
- Pet: FurBody Ears Tail
The Characteristics are grouped into:
- Age Gender
Genetics- Physics & Genetics
- Sliders
- Walkstyle
TraitsSkills- Skintone (the TS4 skin tone, see above)
The Skin menu contains:
- Same Skin - To apply the same skin again
- Next Skin - To apply the next skin
- Previous Skin - To apply the previous skin
- Random Skin - To apply a random skin
Everything new is above. Everything below should still work in this version.
- The most simple option is to use 'Copy' to copy the current outfit to the internal clipboard #0 and 'Paste' to paste from #0 to the current outfit.
- Appearance modifiers are not taken into account. If the sim wears no shoes due to an appearance modifier (Snowy Escape DLC) the shoes will still be copied - and of course vice versa. If the sim wears boots due to an appearance modifier the boots will not be copied.
- The 'Copy/Paste ...' > '(X-)Picker ...' menus allow to select a specific outfit. It will be copied to/from clipboard 0. See
Menu Special-Picker
for details. - 'Transfer ...' allows to copy other things from clipboard 0 to the current outfit. See
Menu Transfer
for details.
The other menu options may be used rarely:
- The 'Copy/Paste ...' > '(X-)Category ...' menus allow to copy/paste all outfits, up to five.
- 'Copy to ...' allows to copy the current outfit to one of the other clipboards [1..4].
- 'Paste from ...' allows to paste the outfit from another clipboards [1..4] to the current outfit.
- 'Paste to ...' allows to paste the outfit from clipboard 0 to the current outfit category but to a specific index [0..4].
It allows to select individual special outfits. These include:
- Bathing[0] (Nude)
- Situation[0]
- Special[0..1] (0=Special 1=Nude with Towel)
- Career[0]
- Batuu[0..4]
- 'Sim' includes everything (no sliders) which defines a sim. These are the head, teeth, hair, eye colors, and many skin details.
- 'Cloth' pastes the hat, full body or upper and lower outfit, shoes, cummerbund, gloves, socks, tights. The 'Paste' commands from above pastes these items.
- 'Body Paint' pastes all body paint. This includes tattoos, skin overlays, acne and nails.
- 'Hand Accessories' pastes bracelets and rings and other accessories attached to writs or fingers.
- 'Head Accessories' pastes ear rings, glasses and the necklace.
- 'Head Paint' includes lipstick, eyebrows, shadow and liner, blush, mascara and face paint.
- 'Head Piercings' includes brow, lip and nose piercings.
- 'occult_scars' includes all occult scars and also the non-occult forearm scar.
- 'Pet' includes the fur body, ears and tail (not tested).
- 'Complete Outfit' (previously All) pastes everything (see above) to the selected sim. Sliders are not transferred but the sims will look very similar.
This is the sub menu which does not really has something to do with 'Copy Outfits'.
- 'Age & Gender' includes age, gender, '¿extended_species?', walk styles, body frame, clothing preferences and whether the sim can give/receive pregnancy. Existing pregnancies will neither be canceled or transferred.
- 'Genetics' is only '¿genetics?', whatever it is.
- 'Physics & Genetics' includes '?genetics?', physic, sliders, voice, skin and if available also pelt and/or '¿base_traits?', whatever this is.
- 'Traits' includes all traits.
- 'All' includes 'Complete Outfit' and everything from above.
'Sliders'- not implemented as a standalone interaction, use 'All' or 'Physics & Genetics''Walkstyles'- not implemented as a standalone interaction, use 'All' or 'Age & Gender''Relationships'- not implemented'Only Face Sliders'- not implemented'Only Body Sliders'- not implemented'Skintones'- not implemented
- 'Print Clipboard' prints the copied outfits including the source sim. Outfit IDs are logged to the log file where you can copy them and will not flood the notification area.
- 'Clear All' removes all outfits from the cache.
- 'Clear ...' allows to remove a specific outfit from the cache.
Special outfit categories aren't supported.
Special outfit categories aren't supported.
Do not copy outfits from cats to dogs and vice versa. Technically it works but it looks odd.
These should work as every other sim
Not tested. It is possible that they do not support special outfits and may throw an exception.
There are six groups to store outfits:
- Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder
- Children
- Toddler
- Infants
- Babies
- Unknown (non-sims, could be pets - not tested)
There are five clipboards [0..4] for the outfits. Each sim can have up to five outfits [0..4] for each normal category and 1 to 5 for special categories.
This mod has been inspired by 'Copy Any Outfit' by scumbumbo. All code has been written from scratch.
This mod has been tested with The Sims 4
1.111.102, S4CL 3.9, TS4Lib 0.3.33.
It is expected to be compatible with many upcoming releases of TS4, S4CL and TS4Lib.
Download the ZIP file, not the sources.
If not installed download and install TS4 and these mods. All are available for free.
- Locate the localized
The Sims 4
folder which contains theMods
folder. - Extract the ZIP file into this
The Sims 4
folder. - It will create the directories/files
will be created as soon as data is logged.
If you don't want to extract the ZIP file into The Sims 4
folder you might want to read this.
- The files in
are usually required and should be extracted toThe Sims 4/mod_data
. - The files in
are for you to read it. They are not needed to use this mod. - The
files can be stored in a random folder withinMods
or directly inMods
. I highly recommend to store it in_o19_
so you know who created it.
This mod does not send any data to tracking servers. The code is open source, not obfuscated, and can be reviewed.
Some log entries in the log file ('mod_logs' folder) may contain the local username, especially if files are not found (WARN, ERROR).
- © 2024 Oops19
- License for '.package' files: Electronic Arts TOS for UGC
- License for other media unless specified differently: CC BY 4.0 unless the Electronic Arts TOS for UGC overrides it. This allows you to use this mod and re-use the code even if you don't own The Sims 4. Have fun extending this mod and/or integrating it with your mods.
Oops19 / o19 is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts or its licensors. Game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
- Please don't put it behind a paywall.
- Please don't create mods which break with every TS4 update.
- For simple tuning modifications use Patch-XML
- or LiveXML.
- To check the XML structure of custom tunings use VanillaLogs.