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The ED25519 Multi-Public Key
public struct MultiPublicKey: EncodingProtocol, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable, KeyProtocol
, EncodingProtocol
, Equatable
, KeyProtocol
public init(keys: [PublicKey], threshold: Int, checked: Bool = true) throws
The Public Keys themselves
public var keys: [PublicKey]
The current amount of keys in the keys array
public var threshold: Int
The minimum amount of keys to initialize this class
public static let minKeys: Int = 2
The maximum amount of keys allowed for initialization
public static let maxKeys: Int = 32
The minimum threshold amount
public static let minThreshold: Int = 1
public var description: String
Serialize the threshold and concatenated keys of a given threshold signature scheme instance to a Data object.
public func toBytes() -> Data
This function concatenates the keys of the instance and serializes the threshold and concatenated keys to a Data object.
A Data object containing the serialized threshold and concatenated keys.
Deserialize a Data object to a MultiPublicKey instance.
public static func fromBytes(_ key: Data) throws -> MultiPublicKey
This function deserializes the given Data object to a MultiPublicKey instance by extracting the threshold and keys from it.
- key: A Data object containing the serialized threshold and keys of a MultiPublicKey instance.
An AptosError object indicating that the given Data object is invalid or cannot be deserialized to a MultiPublicKey instance.
A MultiPublicKey instance initialized with the deserialized keys and threshold.
Serializes an output instance using the given Serializer.
public func serialize(_ serializer: Serializer) throws
- serializer: The Serializer instance used to serialize the data.
An error if the serialization fails.
public static func deserialize(from deserializer: Deserializer) throws -> MultiPublicKey
Generated at 2023-07-20T02:24:43+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- Account
- AccountAddress
- AccountAddressTag
- AccountResponse
- AnyTransactionArgument
- AptosError
- AptosRestClientError
- BoolTag
- ClientConfig
- Collection
- Ed25519Authenticator
- Ed25519BIP32
- EntryFunction
- HTTPMethod
- InfoResponse
- InvalidPropertyType
- Mnemonic
- Mnemonic.Error
- ModuleBundle
- ModuleId
- MultiAgentAuthenticator
- MultiAgentRawTransaction
- MultiEd25519Authenticator
- MultiPublicKey
- MultiSignature
- Object
- PrivateKey
- Property
- PropertyMap
- PublicKey
- RawTransaction
- RotatingProofChallenge
- Royalty
- Script
- ScriptArgument
- SeedMode
- Serializer
- Signature
- SignedTransaction
- StructTag
- StructTagValue
- Token
- TransactionArgument
- U128Tag
- U16Tag
- U256Tag
- U32Tag
- U64Tag
- U8Tag
- UInt128
- UInt128Errors
- Wallet
- Wordlists
Global Variables
Global Functions
- _struct(_:)
- account(_:ledgerVersion:)
- accountBalance(_:_:)
- accountResource(_:_:_:)
- accountResources(_:_:)
- accountSequenceNumber(_:_:)
- addTokenProperty(_:_:_:)
- aggregatorValue(_:_:_:)
- asyncData(with:method:headers:body:)
- bcsTransfer(_:_:_:)
- bool()
- burnToken(_:_:)
- claimToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- createBcsSignedTransaction(_:_:)
- createBcsSignedTransaction(_:_:_:)
- createBcsTransaction(_:_:)
- createBcsTransaction(_:_:_:)
- createCollection(_:_:_:_:)
- createCollection(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- createCollectionPayload(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- createMultiAgentBcsTransaction(_:_:_:)
- createToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- decodeData(_:with:keyDecodingStrategy:dataDecodingStrategy:dateDecodingStrategy:)
- decodeUrl(_:with:)
- decodeUrl(with:_:)
- decodeUrl(with:_:_:)
- deserialize(from:)
- directTransferToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- fixedBytes(length:)
- freezeToken(_:_:)
- fundAccount(_:_:)
- getCollection(_:_:)
- getTableItem(_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- getToken(_:_:_:_:_:)
- getTokenBalance(_:_:_:_:_:)
- getTokenData(_:_:_:_:)
- info()
- map(keyDecoder:valueDecoder:)
- mintSoulBoundToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- mintToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- mintTokenPayload(_:_:_:_:_:)
- offerToken(_:_:_:_:_:_:_:)
- publishPackage(_:_:_:)
- readObject(address:)
- remaining()
- removeTokenProperty(_:_:_:)
- sequence(valueDecoder:)
- serialize(_:)
- simulateTransaction(_:_:)
- string(_:)
- submitBcsTransaction(_:)
- submitTransaction(_:_:)
- toBytes(_:)
- transactionPending(_:)
- transfer(_:_:_:)
- u128(_:)
- u16(_:)
- u256(_:)
- u32(_:)
- u64(_:)
- u8(_:)
- uleb128()
- unfreezeToken(_:_:)
- updateTokenProperty(_:_:_:)
- verify(_:)
- waitForTransaction(_:)