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Use cases

Saif Shabou edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 2 revisions


The goal of ogs api is to provide easy access to harmonized ghg emissions data collected from various data sources at multiple geospatial scales

Use case 1: Get emissions data by geoscale

User needs to collect ghg emissions data for a specific scale (country, city, grid) with possibilities to filter on: geocomponent name, sector name, gas name data source, and date.

Use case 2: Get emissions data by data source

User needs to collect ghg emissions data for a specific data source with possibilities to filter on: geocomponent name, sector name, gas name and date.

Use case 3: Get emissions data by geocomponent

User needs to collect ghg emissions data for a specific geocomponent with possibilities to filter on: data source, sector name, gas name and date.

Use case 4: get emissions data at multiple resolution for one geo component

User needs to collect ghg emissions data for a specific geocomponent by collecting emissions related to sub-resolution. For example, collecting emission of France and all other emissions provided for cities and regions inside the french country.