This repository contains all the resources needed to build your own WiFi connected RFID access system based on ESP8266. For simplicity, we use the NodeMCU breakout board and program it through the Arduino IDE. The basic idea is, that once you scan your 13.56 MHz tag, the ESP8266 asks the server whether you are allowed to enter and it switches a relay to open the door.
- NodeMCU 1.0 v2 board (ESP8266)
- MFRC-522 RFID shield
- Relay Module
- Power source
- SDA to GPIO02 - D4
- SCK to GPIO14 - D5
- MOSI to GPIO13 - D7
- MISO to GPIO12 - D6
- GND to GND
- RST to GPIO00 - D3
- 3.3V to 3.3V
- to 3.3V
- to GND
- Signal to D2
The source code in locks.ino needs to be adapted for your specific use case in the following parts:
- You have to replace WIFI_SSID with your WiFi SSID and PASSWORD with your WiFi password.
- If you use locks at more than one place, you should name each lock with CUSTOM_LOCK_IDENTIFIER
- You need to provide the host name and API URL, where you run the server part
- Update the SHA1 fingerprint from your server's certificate
- Provide random strings for SALT1 and SALT2 as an additional layer of UID security during transport and storage on the server
- The
function needs to be updated with the exact formatting of API requests required by your server and the appropriate success response
We are working on a 3D model of a box which will have exact mounting points for all the components. The results will be shared here and you will be able to 3D print it on your own.
Development is funded through bitcoin donations: