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Add the file Topics.Probability with some simple exercises about probability theory, independence of sets, definition of conditional probability and Bayes' theorem.
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LorenzoLuccioli authored Mar 7, 2025
1 parent 5d4279d commit 54f331f
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Showing 11 changed files with 371 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions GlimpseOfLean.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,3 +9,4 @@ import GlimpseOfLean.Solutions.Topics.ChineseRemainder
import GlimpseOfLean.Solutions.Topics.GaloisAdjunctions
import GlimpseOfLean.Solutions.Topics.ClassicalPropositionalLogic
import GlimpseOfLean.Solutions.Topics.IntuitionisticPropositionalLogic
import GlimpseOfLean.Solutions.Topics.Probability
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion GlimpseOfLean/Exercises/01Rewriting.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,4 +210,3 @@ a Lean proof looks like and have learned about the following tactics:
* `exact`
* `calc`

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion GlimpseOfLean/Exercises/02Iff.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,4 +190,3 @@ equivalences. You learned about tactics:
* `have`
* `constructor`

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion GlimpseOfLean/Exercises/03Forall.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,9 +209,10 @@ You can start with specialized files in the `Topics` folder. You have choice bet
and do intuitionistic propositional logic.
* `SequenceLimit` (easier, math) if you want to do some elementary calculus.
For this file it is recommended to do `04Exists` first.
* `Probability` (easier, math) if you want to work with probability measures,
independent sets, and conditional probability, including Bayes' Theorem.
* `GaloisAdjunctions` (harder, math) if you want some more abstraction
and learn how to prove things about adjunctions between complete lattices.
It ends with a constructor of the product topology and its universal property
manipulating as few open sets as possible.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion GlimpseOfLean/Exercises/Topics/GaloisAdjunctions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -519,4 +519,3 @@ lemma push_generate (f : G →* G') : push f ∘ generate = generate ∘ (

end Subgroups
end Tutorial

142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions GlimpseOfLean/Exercises/Topics/Probability.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import Mathlib.Probability.Notation
import GlimpseOfLean.Library.Probability
set_option linter.unusedSectionVars false
set_option autoImplicit false
set_option linter.unusedTactic false
noncomputable section
open scoped ENNReal
# Probability measures, independent sets
We introduce a probability space and events (measurable sets) on that space. We then define
independence of events and conditional probability, and prove results relating those two notions.
Mathlib has a (different) definition for independence of sets and also has a conditional measure
given a set. Here we practice instead on simple new definitions to apply the tactics introduced in
the previous files.

/- We open namespaces. The effect is that after that command, we can call lemmas in those namespaces
without their namespace prefix: for example, we can write `inter_comm` instead of `Set.inter_comm`.
Hover over `open` if you want to learn more. -/
open MeasureTheory ProbabilityTheory Set

/- We define a measure space `Ω`: the `MeasureSpace Ω` variable states that `Ω` is a measurable
space on which there is a canonical measure `volume`, with notation `ℙ`.
We then state that `ℙ` is a probability measure. That is, `ℙ univ = 1`, where `univ : Set Ω` is the
universal set in `Ω` (the set that contains all `x : Ω`). -/
variable {Ω : Type} [MeasureSpace Ω] [IsProbabilityMeasure (ℙ : Measure Ω)]

-- `A, B` will denote sets in `Ω`.
variable {A B : Set Ω}

/- One can take the measure of a set `A`: `ℙ A : ℝ≥0∞`.
`ℝ≥0∞`, or `ENNReal`, is the type of extended non-negative real numbers, which contain `∞`.
Measures can in general take infinite values, but since our `ℙ` is a probability measure,
it actually takes only values up to 1.
`simp` knows that a probability measure is finite and will use the lemmas `measure_ne_top`
or `measure_lt_top` to prove that `ℙ A ≠ ∞` or `ℙ A < ∞`.
Hint: use `#check measure_ne_top` to see what that lemma does.
The operations on `ENNReal` are not as nicely behaved as on `ℝ`: `ENNReal` is not a ring and
subtraction truncates to zero for example. If you find that lemma `lemma_name` used to transform
an equation does not apply to `ENNReal`, try to find a lemma named something like
`ENNReal.lemma_name_of_something` and use that instead. -/

/-- Two sets `A, B` are independent for the ambient probability measure `ℙ` if
`ℙ (A ∩ B) = ℙ A * ℙ B`. -/
def IndepSet (A B : Set Ω) : Prop := ℙ (A ∩ B) = ℙ A * ℙ B

/-- If `A` is independent of `B`, then `B` is independent of `A`. -/
lemma IndepSet.symm : IndepSet A B → IndepSet B A := by {

/- Many lemmas in measure theory require sets to be measurable (`MeasurableSet A`).
If you are presented with a goal like `⊢ MeasurableSet (A ∩ B)`, try the `measurability` tactic.
That tactic produces measurability proofs. -/

-- Hints: `compl_eq_univ_diff`, `measure_diff`, `inter_univ`, `measure_compl`, `ENNReal.mul_sub`
lemma IndepSet.compl_right (hA : MeasurableSet A) (hB : MeasurableSet B) :
IndepSet A B → IndepSet A Bᶜ := by {

/- Apply `IndepSet.compl_right` to prove this generalization. It is good practice to add the iff
version of some frequently used lemmas, this allows us to use them inside `rw` tactics. -/
lemma IndepSet.compl_right_iff (hA : MeasurableSet A) (hB : MeasurableSet B) :
IndepSet A Bᶜ ↔ IndepSet A B := by {

-- Use what you have proved so far
lemma IndepSet.compl_left (hA : MeasurableSet A) (hB : MeasurableSet B) (h : IndepSet A B) :
IndepSet Aᶜ B := by{

/- Can you write and prove a lemma `IndepSet.compl_left_iff`, following the examples above?-/

-- Your lemma here

-- Hint: `ENNReal.mul_self_eq_self_iff`
lemma indep_self (h : IndepSet A A) : ℙ A = 0 ∨ ℙ A = 1 := by {

### Conditional probability

/-- The probability of set `A` conditioned on `B`. -/
def condProb (A B : Set Ω) : ENNReal := ℙ (A ∩ B) / ℙ B

/- We define a notation for `condProb A B` that makes it look more like paper math. -/
notation3 "ℙ("A"|"B")" => condProb A B

/- Now that we have defined `condProb`, we want to use it, but Lean knows nothing about it.
We could start every proof with `rw [condProb]`, but it is more convenient to write lemmas about the
properties of `condProb` first and then use those. -/

-- Hint : `measure_inter_null_of_null_left`
@[simp] -- this makes the lemma usable by `simp`
lemma condProb_zero_left (A B : Set Ω) (hA : ℙ A = 0) : ℙ(A|B) = 0 := by {

lemma condProb_zero_right (A B : Set Ω) (hB : ℙ B = 0) : ℙ(A|B) = 0 := by {

/- What other basic lemmas could be useful? Are there other "special" sets for which `condProb`
takes known values? -/

-- Your lemma(s) here

/- The next statement is a `theorem` and not a `lemma`, because we think it is important.
There is no functional difference between those two keywords. -/

/-- **Bayes Theorem** -/
theorem bayesTheorem (hA : ℙ A ≠ 0) (hB : ℙ B ≠ 0) : ℙ(A|B) = ℙ A * ℙ(B|A) / ℙ B := by {

/- Did you really need all those hypotheses?
In Lean, division by zero follows the convention that `a/0 = 0` for all a. This means we can prove
Bayes' Theorem without requiring `ℙ A ≠ 0` and `ℙ B ≠ 0`. However, this is a quirk of the
formalization rather than the standard mathematical statement.
If you want to know more about how division works in Lean, try to hover over `/` with your mouse. -/

theorem bayesTheorem' (A B : Set Ω) : ℙ(A|B) = ℙ A * ℙ(B|A) / ℙ B := by {

lemma condProb_of_indepSet (h : IndepSet B A) (hB : ℙ B ≠ 0) : ℙ(A|B) = ℙ A := by {

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion GlimpseOfLean/Library/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -56,4 +56,3 @@ def my : Delab := do
let stx ← delab args[0]!
let e := mkIdent `exp
`(term|$e $stx)

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions GlimpseOfLean/Library/Probability.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import Mathlib.Data.ENNReal.Operations

lemma ENNReal.mul_self_eq_self_iff (a : ENNReal) : a * a = a ↔ a = 0 ∨ a = 1 ∨ a = ⊤ := by
by_cases h : a = 0
· simp [h]
by_cases h' : a = ⊤
· simp [h']
simp only [h, h', or_false, false_or]
· intro h''
nth_rw 3 [← one_mul a] at h''
exact (ENNReal.mul_left_inj h h').mp h''
· intro h''
simp [h'']
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions GlimpseOfLean/Solutions/03Forall.lean
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Expand Up @@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ You can start with specialized files in the `Topics` folder. You have choice bet
and do intuitionistic propositional logic.
* `SequenceLimit` (easier, math) if you want to do some elementary calculus.
For this file it is recommended to do `04Exists` first.
* `Probability` (easier, math) if you want to work with probability measures,
independent sets, and conditional probability, including Bayes' Theorem.
* `GaloisAdjunctions` (harder, math) if you want some more abstraction
and learn how to prove things about adjunctions between complete lattices.
It ends with a constructor of the product topology and its universal property
Expand Down

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