nativeUtils {
platformConfigs {
linuxathena {
// The platform path for archives. Must be set
platformPath = "linux/athena"
cppCompiler {
// Args for debug and release
args << ""
// Args for debug
debugArgs << ""
// Args for release
releaseArgs << ""
// These are identical to cppCompiler
linker {}
cCompiler {}
assembler {}
objcppCompiler {}
objcCompiler {}
// Windows specific functionality to export all symbols from a binary automatically
exportsConfigs {
libName {
x86ExcludeSymbols << ""
x64ExcludeSymbols << ""
excludeBuildTypes << ""
x86SymbolFilter = { symbols ->
symbols.removeIf({ !it.startsWith('HAL_') && !it.startsWith('HALSIM_') })
x64SymbolFilter = { symbols ->
symbols.removeIf({ !it.startsWith('HAL_') && !it.startsWith('HALSIM_') })
// Multi platform way to expose only a limited number of symbols
// Used to do private symbols. Can not cross libraries with exportsConfigs
privateExportsConfigs {
libName {
exportsFile = project.file("path/to/symbols/files")
// Add a dependency
dependencyConfigs {
libraryName {
groupId = ""
artifactId = ""
headerClassifier = ""
sourceClassifier = ""
ext = ""
version = ""
// If the shared dependencies are used at runtime, or just linking
// Defaults to true
sharedUsedAtRuntime = true
sharedPlatforms << ""
staticPlatforms << ""
// Add
combinedDependencyConfigs {
combinedName {
// The name to use from use*Library
libraryName = ""
// The platforms to apply to
targetPlatforms << ""
// The dependencies to combine
dependencies << ""
// Get the platform path for a binary
nativeUtils.getPlatformPath(NativeBinarySpec binary)
// Get the classifier for a dependency
nativeUtils.getDependencyClassifier(NativeBinarySpec, boolean isStaticDependnecy)
// Get the classifier for a published binary
// Add libraries that are required to build, add to all binaries for a component
nativeUtils.useRequiredLibrary(ComponentSpec, String... libraries)
// Add libraries that are required to build, add to specific binary
nativeUtils.useRequiredLibrary(BinarySpec, String.. libraries)
// Add libraries that are optional, add to all binaries for a component
nativeUtils.useOptionalLibrary(ComponentSpec, String... libraries)
// Add libraries that are optional, add to specific binary
nativeUtils.useOptionalLibrary(BinarySpec, String.. libraries)
// The optional ones will be silently skipped
// Add all native utils platforms to a component
// Update a platform (see platformsConfig block above for documentation)
// This can be used for adding or removing args.
nativeUtils.configurePlatform("platformName") {
// Add all arguments for a platform to the binary
// Add all arguments for a platform to all components of a binary
// Add WPI extensions to Native Utils
// See below for DSL of these extensions
// This adds all the WPILib dependencies, along with combined deps for
// wpilib and driver. They still need to manually be added to individual
// components. These just add to the back end
nativeUtils.wpi.configureDependencies {
// Thse are the 6 separate versions used for wpi
// deps. They should be kept in sync.
wpiVersion = ""
niLibVersion = ""
opencvVersion = ""
googleTestVersion = ""
imguiVersion = ""
wpimathVersion = ""
// The 6 below get the string representation of the main platforms
// For use comparing to
// An immutable list of all wpi platforms
// A bunch of lists of the default arguments for platforms.
// Enable warnings for all platforms. Pass specific platforms in to enable them for just those platforms
// Enable warnings as errors for all platforms. Pass specific platforms in to enable them for just those platforms
// Does not enable warnings, that is still handled by the call above.
toolchainsPlugin {
// Register the platforms and build types with the model
// Default to true
registerPlatforms = true
registerBuildTypes = true
// Add the roborio compiler
// Add the raspbian compiler
// The above 2 are included with nativeUtils.addWpiNativeUtils()
crossCompilers {
linuxaarch64 {
architecture = "aarch64"
compilerPrefix = "arm-frc2019-linux-gnueabi-"
operatingSystem = "linux"
optional = false
Use the following to add a custom cross compiler, with the same args as the rio and raspbian
nativeUtils.addWpiNativeUtils() // Must be called before using nativeUtils.wpi.defaultArguments
toolchainsPlugin.crossCompilers {
linuxaarch64 {
architecture = "aarch64"
compilerPrefix = "aarch64-linux-gnu-"
operatingSystem = "linux"
optional = false
nativeUtils.platformConfigs {
linuxaarch64 {
platformPath = "linux/aarch64"