This tool accepts a MegaVideo link, in the form of a complete URL (such as[d/v]=XXXXXXXX), with the -u option, or just the alphanumeric code (the 8-chars XXXXXXXX in the URL), with the -c option, and checks whether the video is still available on MegaVideo. If the video is either not existing or removed due to infringement, it asks some regeneration databases and tries to provide alternative links. If called with no options it prints just the links found (so this tool can be used from another script). Use -d or -v for a more exhaustive output. You can also pass with the option -f a local file containg a list of MegaVideo URLS to check. The file must contain a MegaVideo link on each row. White rows are permitted, as comment lines (first char must be a #).
Usage: [-u megavideourl | -c megavideocode | -f inputfile]
Other options:
- -h This help
- -d Debug info
- -v Verbose (still less thank DEBUG)
- -l N Limit the output to the first N found links (>=1!)
- -o file Prints results in a text file
- -t Prints the output file in HTML format
If you pass an output file with the option -o, in that file at the end of the process will be written the URLS (can be limited with the -l option) and the comments from the original file in the right order.
If you supply the megavideocode, the url will be formatted as
This tool accepts a valid URL and prints a list of all the MegaVideo links found in the page (see SCAN MODE later). If called with no options it prints just the links found (so this tool can be used from another script). Use -d or -v for a more exhaustive output.
Usage: -u URL
Other options:
- -h This help
- -d Debug info
- -v Verbose (still less thank DEBUG)
- -r Raw scan mode
0: Default mode. Searches for links in the form Description and prints an output formatted like:[v/d]=XXXXXXX
This mode is useful to create input files for the mvregen tool.
1: Raw mode. Searches for every occurrence of the regexp[v/d]=XXXXXXX