cardano-transaction-lib (CTL) is a Purescript framework for building smart contract transactions on Cardano. It belongs to the the same category of tools as Lucid, Mesh.js, Atlas, Plutus Application Backend (PAB).
Table of Contents
- Documentation
- Additional resources/tools:
- Available support channels info
- Funding acknowledgements
- Use in production
Please explore our documentation to discover how to use CTL, how to set up its runtime, and how it compares to other tools:
- Super quick start
- Adding CTL as a dependency
- CTL's runtime dependencies
- Blockfrost support
- Getting started writing CTL contracts
- Managing contract environment
- Using CTL from JS
- Importing Plutus Scripts
- Migrating from Plutus Application Backend to CTL
- Overview of testing approaches
- Transaction balancing
- Transaction chaining
- Ada staking support
- Key management
- SECP256k1 support (CIP-49)
- Custom query layers
- Going to production with CTL
- FAQs
- Feature overview video
- Comparison with other frameworks (Lucid)
- Development workflows for CTL
You can also access PureScript documentation for CTL and its dependencies for the most recent develop
version, or generate it yourself.
- Ogmios for chain queries
- Kupo for chain queries
- CIP-30 (wallet interface)
- Alonzo CDDL spec
You can find help, more information and ongoing discusion about the project here:
- Plutonomicon Discord
- #ctl channel at MLabs' Slack
CTL is being developed by MLabs. The following companies/funds have contributed significant resources (development time or funding):
- Catalyst Fund8
- Catalyst Fund9
- Catalyst Fund10
- Intersect MBO
- MLabs
- Indigo Protocol
- Equine
- Liqwid Labs
- PlayerMint
- Fourier Labs
- Ardana
- Indigo Protocol
- Liqwid
- Clarity
- PlayerMint
- SingularityNet