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attendance system

Typically this process can be divided into four stages,

  1. Dataset Creation Images of students are captured using a web cam. Multiple images of single student will be acquired with varied gestures and angles. These images undergo pre-processing. The images are cropped to obtain the Region of Interest (ROI) which will be further used in recognition process. Next step is to resize the cropped images to particular pixel position. Then these images will be converted from RGB to gray scale images. And then these images will be saved as the names of respective student in a folder.

  2. Face Detection Face detection here is performed using face_recognition python library function called face_recognition.face_locations() . Other function that use for face encoding called face_recognition.face_encoding(). This is use for feature extraction. Here we are using detectMultiScale module from OpenCV. This is required to create a rectangle around the faces in an image. It has got three parameters to consider- scaleFactor, minNeighbors, minSize. scaleFactor is used to indicate how much an image must be reduced in each image scale.

  3. Face Recognition Face recognition process can be divided into three steps- prepare training data, train face recognizer, prediction. Here training data will be the images present in the dataset. They will be assigned with a integer label of the student it belongs to. Database manage in following json format.

  4. Attendance Updation After face recognition process, the recognized faces will be marked as present in the Google Firebase cloud storage . Faculties will be updated with monthly attendance sheet at the end of every month.

  5. Result and Discussion The users can interact with the system using a GUI. Here users will be mainly provided with three different options such as, student registration, faculty registration, and mark attendance. The students are supposed to enter all the required details in the student registration form. After clicking on register button, the web cam starts automatically and window as shown in Fig.3. pops up and starts detecting the faces in the frame. Then it automatically starts clicking photos until 60 samples are collected or CRTL+Q is pressed. These images then will be pre-processed and stored in training images folder. The faculties are supposed to register with the respective course codes along with their email-id in the faculty registration form provided. This is important because the list of absentees will be ultimately mailed to the respective faculties.


attendance system






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