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New Relic Monitoring

Sabith edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 1 revision

#What This document takes you through the importance and how to do of newrelic monitoring

#Why The first rule of thump for a cloud applications

If you can't measure it , You Can't Tweak it.

New relic acts as your friend in getting stats on the performance of your application running on the cloud.

#How To

  1. Figure out which newrelic service you have to bind to in cloudfoundry market place cf m | grep -i newrelic

  2. create a service instance of new relic cf cs newrelic-predix standard newrelic

  3. Update the manifest.yml to bind to newrelic service that was created in Step 2,

  4. in the nginx.conf (If present), add the following code location : Explanations below [1]

     location /nginx_status {
         stub_status   on;
         access_log   off;
         deny all;
  5. Push the application and the go to your newrelic dashboard @ . You can see your newrelic account page @


  1. Why Add /nginx_status location in Step 5 ?

    The newrelic agent that monitors nginx is developed by nginx and it uses the output of stub_status to monitor the health of nginx.

  2. Can I change the location to anything other than /nginx_status ?

No, As of now, the buildpack only supports the url as /nginx_status , Check the configuration file for more details

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