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A framework-independent library for building and rendering generic datagrids in PHP.


This extension can be installed using Composer. Tell composer to install the extension:

$ php composer.phar require prezent/grid

Symfony users should use the prezent/grid-bundle. This sets up everything automatically and adds extra features such as router and translation integration.

Quick example

If you have any experience using Symfony Forms, then this grid library will feel very familiar. Start by defining a grid:


namespace My\Grids;

use Prezent\Grid\BaseGridType;
use Prezent\Grid\Extension\Core\Type\DateTimeType;
use Prezent\Grid\Extension\Core\Type\StringType;
use Prezent\Grid\GridBuilder;

class MyGridType extends BaseGridType
    public function buildGrid(GridBuilder $builder, array $options = [])
            ->addColumn('id', StringType::class, [
                'label' => 'ID',
                'url'   => '/view/{id}',
            ->addColumn('name', StringType::class)
            ->addColumn('created', DateTimeType::class, ['pattern' => 'yyyy qqq'])
            ->addAction('edit', ['url' => '/edit/{id}'])

In your controller, create the grid and assign it to your view:


namespace My\Controllers;

use My\Grids\MyGridType;

class MyController
    public function indexAction()
        $data = $this->db->findSomeData();
        $grid = $this->getService('grid_factory')->createGrid(MyGridType::class);

        $this->view->data = $data;
        $this->view->grid = $grid->createView();

Finally, render the grid using Twig:

{{ grid(grid, data) }}


The complete documentation can be found in the doc directory.