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Collaboration Procedures

Wenqi Li edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 4 revisions

submitting pull requests

All code changes to the master branch must be done via pull requests.

  1. Create a new ticket or take a known ticket from the issue list.
  2. Check if there's already a branch dedicated to the task.
  3. If the task has not been taken, create a new branch named [ticket_id]-[task_name]. For example, branch name 19-ci-pipeline-setup corresponds to issue #19. Ideally, the new branch should be based on the latest master branch.
  4. Make changes to the branch (please use detailed commit messages if possible). If the changes introduce new features, make sure that you write unit tests.
  5. Create a new pull request from the task branch to the master branch, with detailed descriptions of the purpose of this pull request.
  6. Check the CI/CD status of the pull request, make sure all CI/CD tests passed.
  7. Wait for reviews.
  8. If there are reviews, (within 24 hours) make point-to-point responses, make further code changes if needed.
  9. Reviewer and contributor may have discussions back and forth until all comments addressed.
  10. Wait for the pull request to be merged.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

reviewing pull requests

All review comments should be specific, constructive, "actionable".

  1. Check the CI/CD status of the pull request, make sure all CI/CD tests passed before reviewing (contact the branch owner if needed).
  2. Read carefully the descriptions of the pull request and the files changed.
  3. Write comments if needed.
  4. Make in-line comments to specific code segments, request for changes if needed.
  5. Review any further code changes until all comments addressed by the contributors.
  6. Merge the pull request to the master branch (ideally within 48 hours since the opening of the pull request).
  7. Close the corresponding task ticket on the issue list.
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