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Evaluation, Reproducibility, Benchmarks Meeting 10

AReinke edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Minutes of meeting 10

Date: 28th April 2021

Present: Lena, Annika, David, Jens, Nicola, Carole, Michela, Paul

TOP 1: Task force report - Data access (Michela):

  • Michela presented update on the poll results:
    • 6 challenges replied to the survey (M&Ms, Cataracts, PANDA, MSD, RibFrac, Rad-Path)
    • Requirements for using data
      • Ask users never try to de-anonymize data
      • Log access requests to datasets
      • Storage solution with enough bandwidth
      • Follow licence
      • Agree to all terms and conditions of challenges
    • Licenses: CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-NC
    • Users need to fill registration form in 67% of challenges => may be skipped for most challenges
    • => All of them agreed that to have registration/license agreement in MONAI script and to enable direct access to the data using MONAI script
    • 5/6 agree to store data at MONAI
    • Most concerns regarding releasing test data
    • Decision:
      • Start with the data from the 6 challenges that replied
      • Continue with MICCAI 2021 challenges later (most of them already released training data)
      • Focus on challenges that last multiple years and data used regularly
      • TODO: Define “registration” in terms of MICCAI challenges - is global registration possible?
    • Michela will contact MONAI developer team and present our current status

TOP 2: Delphi process on metrics

  • Delphi round 2:
    • Two-stage mapping received strong support by expert panel
    • Task mapping received strong support by expert panel
    • Some inclusion criteria need to be refined (regression, video analysis, instance counting)
  • Term “object detection” was confusing (localization is implied) => Will vote on the term in the next round (add expertise options “expert”, “medium”, …)
  • Segmentation: Differentiate between volumes and contours
  • Detection: Differentiate between types of localizing object (bounding boxes vs spheres etc) => Part of metric mapping
  • Definition of metric mapping: Form groups of ~4 experts?
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