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Ben Murray edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 11 revisions

MONAI Contribution Guidelines

17/01/2020 - This page is under development. At the time of writing, we aren't yet looking for open source contributors; we will update this page as soon as we are.


This documentation is intended for individuals and institutions interested in contributing to MONAI. MONAI is an open source project and, as such, its success relies on its community of contributors willing to keep improving it. Your contribution will be a valued addition to the code base; we simply ask that you read this page and understand our contribution process, whether you are a seasoned open source contributor or whether you are a first-time contributor.

Communicate with us

We are happy to talk with you about your needs for MONAI and your ideas for contributing to the project. One way to do this is to create an issue discussing your thoughts. It might be that y

Pull request early

We encourage you to create pull requests early. It helps us track the contributions under development, whether they are ready to be merged or not. Tag your pull request as [WIP] until it is ready for formal review.

If it's not tested, it's broken

All new functionality should be accompanied by an appropriate set of tests. MONAI functionality has plenty of unit tests from which you can draw inspiration, and you can reach out to us if you are unsure of how to proceed with testing.

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