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Ben Murray edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 7 revisions


pytorch defines layers in the following way:

  • some layers are defined on a per-dimension basis
    • each layer then expects a tensor in the format 'BFD' where D can be 1 or more dimensions
      • A 1D pytorch layer takes a 3D tensor
      • A 2D pytorch layer takes a 4D tensor
      • A 3D pytorch layer takes a 5D tensor, etc.
  • some layers determine their functionality based on the shape of the input tensor
  • MONAI will have an expanded set of capabilities focussing in two directions:
    • New layer functionality
    • Extended dimension compatability


  • BenM: The design decision that pytorch makes in terms of dimension-specific and dimension-agnostic APIs is confusing:
    • More layers are dimension-agnostic than dimension-specific
    • Dimension-agnostic layers present a problem when expanding the number of dimensions that can be processed
    • Proposals:
      • We provide dimension-agnostic wrappers for all dimension-specific vanilla functions, for optional use
      • We provide dimension-specific extensions for functions that extend dimension-specific vanilla functions
        • We do so in places where pytorch would choose dimension-specific functions
          • TODO: enumerate pytorch API comprehensively
      • We provide dimension-agnostic wrappers for all extended functionality for which we also provide dimension-specific wrappers
      • Layers and layer factories are obviously related:
        • Layer factories might be a good place to present a consistently layer-agnostic view of layer functionality that also ensure that dimension checking occurs at initialisation time rather than run time
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