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Cory Smith edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 2 revisions


CASE is used within a SELECT CASE block to specify a conditional value of the compared variable.


CASE comparisonValues[:] {code}


*comparisonValues can be any literal string or number, depending on the value specified in the SELECT CASE statement. *Code is executed until the next case, so each case can handle multiple lines of code.

  • CASE conditions are normally listed in some logical order going down the page.
  • CASE order can affect the SELECT CASE code execution when more than one CASE can be true. This is specially true when multiple conditional operators, CASE IS or TO ranges are used.
  • CASE lists can also be listed horizontally by using colon separators between cases.
  • Supports individual CASE values and ranges or lists of values as below:
  • The first time a CASE value matches the compared variable's value, that CASE code is executed and SELECT CASE is exited, unless EVERYCASE is used.


a = 100
   CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: PRINT "Odd values under 10 will be shown."
   CASE 10: PRINT "10 will be shown."
   CASE 50: PRINT "50 will be shown."
   CASE 100: PRINT "This will be shown. (a is 100)"
             PRINT "(and this)"
   CASE 150: PRINT "150 will be shown."
   CASE IS < 150: PRINT "Less than 150 will be shown. (a which is 100 is under 150)"
   CASE 50 TO 150: PRINT "50 to 150 will be shown. (a which is 100 is between 50 TO 150)"


 This will be shown. (a is 100)
 (and this)

Explanation: SELECT CASE compares the variable's value to each descending CASE until ONE is true, executes the CASE code and exits the SELECT CASE. CASE statements should be placed in a increasing or decreasing order for the best results.

What happens is that since 5 isn't 100 then the code until the next CASE is ignored, the same obviously goes for 10 and 50 but then comes 100 which is what a is so the code in that CASE is executed.

  • A CASE can list several values separated by commas for the same program option to be executed.

  • CASE IS is used when we need to compare the value to a conditional expression range such as a value is "=" equal to, "<" less than, ">" greater than, "<>" not equal to or NOT a value.

  • A CASE range can be specified (in the example; 50 TO 150) if needed. Note: A SELECT CASE block has to end with END SELECT.

See Also

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