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feat: type check completed #12

feat: type check completed

feat: type check completed #12

Workflow file for this run

name: Haskell CI
branches: [ "main" ]
branches: [ "main" ]
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - uses: actions/setup-haskell@v1
# with:
# ghc-version: '9.6.4'
# cabal-version: '2.2'
- name: Setup Haskell
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: haskell-actions/setup@ca7ecf7b0c7a4300227b1ab05cda52bf019c174b
uses: haskell-actions/[email protected]
# Version of GHC to use. If set to "latest", it will always get the latest stable version. If set to "head", it will always get the latest build of GHC.
ghc-version: 9.6.4
# Version of Cabal to use. If set to "latest", it will always get the latest stable version. If set to "head", it will always get the latest build of cabal.
# cabal-version: # optional, default is latest
# Version of Stack to use. If set to "latest", it will always get the latest stable version.
stack-version: 2.13.1
# If specified, will setup Stack.
enable-stack: true
# If specified, enable-stack must be set. Prevents installing GHC and Cabal globally.
stack-no-global: true
# If specified, enable-stack must be set. Will run stack setup to install the specified GHC.
stack-setup-ghc: true
# Set to `false` to prevent `cabal update` from being run.
cabal-update: true
# A release channel URL to add to ghcup via `ghcup config add-release-channel`.
# ghcup-release-channel: # optional
# If specified, disables match messages from GHC as GitHub CI annotations.
# disable-matcher: # optional
- name: Build
run: stack build
- name: Run tests
run: stack test