Thank you for your interest in Aquila and AHS through braket! If you have found these tools useful we know you will love our new Python SDK for Bloqade.
This python package is a collection of tools that can be used to program QuEra's neutral atom Analog Hamiltonian Simulator (ahs). These tools are primarily targeted towards the usage of Amazon's Braket quantum computing service. The Braket Python SDK can be found here along with some examples of how to use their service through a collection of examples from both Braket and QuEra.
Some of the source code contained in this package originates from this module which was co-authered by the Braket science team.
We would be remiss not to advertise our own Julia SDK for programming QuEra's ahs, Bloqade as well as modeling neutral atom quantum computing.
The package can be installed via pip
pip install quera-ahs-utils
quera-ahs-utils is broken up into 5 modules each dealing with specific tools summarized in the table below:
module | description |
quera_ahs_utils.analysis | Perform analysis on shot results | | Easily generate different types of driving hamiltonians | | Transform between QuEra and Braket program representations |
quera_ahs_utils.parallelize | Transform small jobs into a parallel set of jobs to maximize the field of view of the QPU |
quera_ahs_utils.plotting | Visualize both ahs programs as well as its results. |
A module reference can be found here