I'm making this repository public as I think that it might help some SAP consultants with their work. I personally use this for developing my own scripts for various cases such as:
- process testing
- master or transactional data maintenance where BAPI or LSMW cannot help
- new plant code creation with additional setting, especially EC02 technical log scrapping
- as implied, scraping data of tables where export to excel is not available (especially during active scripting)
- transactional data creation for new functionality testing (if not using GUI's built-in recording tool)
- prototyping of RPA(RDA) robots
I will appreciate any comments or ideas. Questions are welcomed as well :).
(written with Python 3.7)
>>> from sapguirpa import SapGuiRpa
>>> sap = SapGuiRpa()
>>> sap.attach_to_session(mode="gui")
PySimpleGui is used for GUI windows, but I plan switching to standard library tkinter in future.
If mode is not provided to method "attach_to_session", you are prompt for session selection via CLI.
>>> sap.attach_to_session()
These session are available:
1. DEV(1)/070 SAP Easy Access
2. DEV(2)/070 SAP Easy Access
3. DEV(3)/070 SAP Easy Access
Please provide corresponding number one of above items:2
And then you can use any of defined methods:
>>> sap.start_transaction("ME21N")