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Added new root geometry for GLAD with all details #2446

Added new root geometry for GLAD with all details

Added new root geometry for GLAD with all details #2446

Workflow file for this run

# This is the main CI workflow for pull requests to the R3BRoot dev branch.
# To speed up this workflow, a public github action called 'cache' is used to
# cache important compiled files which are needed for multiple different runs.
# Currently there are two caches used for each job: one is related to the build
# of r3broot and another to some dependencies (such as googletest or ucesb). As
# can also be seen in the comments below, a new cache for the R3BRoot build
# process is created each time a pull request is being merged to the dev
# branch. The name (or key) of the cache follows the pattern of
# "r3broot-build-[job name]-[merge commit SHA]". If a run needs a specific
# cache file and fails to find it, any cache files containing
# "r3broot-build-[job name]-" will be used instead. On the other hand, the
# cache name for dependencies should always be the same (currently
# "r3broot-build-deps"). Each cache will be automatically deleted if not used
# for one week and the total size of all caches should not exceed 10GB for one
# project. More information about this cache management can be seen at
# The compiled files from the r3broot build process can not be directly cached.
# This is because for some reasons, cmake still treats those cached built files
# as new files and compiles everything again from scratch. Such a problem can
# be solved using another tool called 'ccache', which caches all compiled files
# during the build process and reuses them for the next build. Therefore, it is
# the cache folder of 'ccache' (defined by env variable $CCACHE_DIR) that is
# cached by the github action 'cache' instead of the build folder.
# To have successful and fast compilation and build processes, a Docker
# container embedded with the cvmfs is also used in the workflow. The cvmfs is
# very similar to sshfs which directly mounts a remote folder to the local
# filesystem. Using cvmfs inside a docker container further improves the speed
# of the workflow: saving install time for some essential dependencies (gcc,
# llvm clang, cvmfs etc.).
# It must be also noted that the speed of the worksflow varies a lot depending
# on the CPUs of the Github hosted servers. Current servers (free version) have at
# most 4 cores for each run and bigger servers (paid version) can have up
# to 4, 8 or even 16 cores.
# The workflow also submits the configure, build and test results to CDash
# (cmake dashborad) with two different models: Experimental and Continuous for
# the pull request and merge respectively. For the pull request (Experimental),
# the project is built with the cache files from ccache while for the merge
# (Continuous) it's built from scratch without using any cache files.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
name: CI-CD
# Controls when the action will run.
# Triggers the workflow in case of a push or pull request events
branches: [ dev ]
branches: [ dev ]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or
# parallelly. As has been specified above, all the jobs below will be
# triggered either by a pull request or a merge of a pull request.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# A strategy matrix gives different settings separately to different jobs
# which are run parallelly.
# If fail-fast is true, all jobs running parallelly will be stopped if
# any of them fail. By setting it to false, all jobs will be run
# undisruptively.
fail-fast: false
# Definition of the strategy matrix. See
# Here are the groups of repositories that need to be downloaded inside
# r3broot. Each group is used by only one job.
repos: [ r3broot, glad-tpc, sofia-frs-asy, r3broot-conan ]
os: [ debian10, debian11, debian12 ]
# The list under "include" defines some properties for each group:
# repos: the name of the group. It must exist in matrix.repos as
# defined above.
# cache: the name of the cache file that will be created/used for the
# job. Each group can have their own cache file. But the total size of
# the cache files are limited to 10 GB per project. Therefore, the
# number of caches should be kept to a minimum. If there isn't too
# much difference between glad-tpc and the base r3broot, the cache file
# generated from r3broot build can be used.
# skip-save: whether to save the cache or not. Cache saving is disabled
# when true. This is neccessary when two parellel jobs share one cache
# name.
# url: the github repository urls that need to be downloaded during the
# run
# The R3BFileSource repo is used for testing unpacking.
- url:
- cache: r3broot
# disable conan build by default
- preset: simple
# This job is only for testing R3BRoot without downloading any
# dependencies.
- repos: r3broot
# The job for testing with glad-tpc
- repos: glad-tpc
cache: glad-tpc
# skip-save: true
# The job for testing with sofia, frs and asyeos dependencies. All three
# repositories are downloaded and run together in the job.
- repos: sofia-frs-asy
# If more than one repos needs to be downloaded in a job. "url" needs
# to be a space separated list of urls using the operator ">-". Append
# more urls to this list if more repos need to be added.
# The R3BFileSource repo is used for testing unpacking.
url: >-
# Using own cache file
cache: other-repos
# build with conan package manager
- repos: r3broot-conan
preset: default
# Jobs are run inside a Docker container, which provides different compiled
# tool-kits for the building, such as clang-tidy and cvmfs. For more
# information, please visit the Docker repository at Dockerhub.
image: yanzhaowang/cvmfs_clang:${{ matrix.os }}
- /tmp:/cvmfs
CVMDIR: /cvmfs/
# Specifying the number of threads available for the building and
# testing. Github hosted runners can have at most 4 cores. The number
# of the cores can be increased with a larger runner, thus increasing
# the speed of the run.
# Options for the Docker container to be run with cvmfs.
options: --user root --privileged --ulimit nofile=10000:10000 --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --device /dev/fuse
# Each job contains different steps that are executed sequentially. Each
# step could be multiple shell commands or a composite action either from
# another github repo or a self-defined one in .github/actions.
# Fetch updates from pull request branches using a public github action.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# This allows all commits of all branches to be fetched.
fetch-depth: 0
# A self-defined composite action. It sets multiple necessary environment
# variables and mounts the cmvfs folder of fairroot and fairsoft.
- name: pre-build
uses: './.github/actions/pre-build'
# A self-defined composite action, which restores the caches of
# dependencies and builds and install them if the cache doesn't exist.
# The two inputs for this action, r3b-dev-key and cache-name, determine
# the name (key) of the R3BRoot build cache being used in the the run.
# Its name is defined as
# "r3b-build-${cache-name}-${r3b-dev-key}". Apart from r3b build cache,
# there is another cache called "r3b-build-deps", which contains all
# dependencies for the R3BRoot build, such as googletest and ucesb. The
# cache restoring step is only used for the run triggered with
# "pull_request" and disabled for the merge event.
- name: install dependencies
id: restore-cache
uses: './.github/actions/install-deps'
cache-name: ${{ matrix.cache }}
r3b-dev-key: ${{ env.cacheSHA }}
# A self-defined composite action for the cmake configuration and build
# of r3broot (along with necessary dep repos).
- name: configure-build
uses: './.github/actions/r3bbuild-steps'
# A self-defined composite action to perform the ctest and push the
# results to the cdash (cmake-dashborad). To fully show the errors and
# warnings during the configure and build processes, the two processes
# are rerun after 'make clean'.
- name: ctest-cdash
if: always()
uses: './.github/actions/ctest-cdash'
repo: ${{ matrix.repos }}
# A composite action to save the ccaahe created from the merge events.
# Cache names (key) should be consistent with the names used in the
# cache restoring step.
- name: save-cache
if: github.event_name == 'push' && matrix.skip-save != true
id: save-cache
uses: './.github/actions/cache-save'
cache-name: ${{ matrix.cache }}
r3b-dev-key: ${{ env.cacheSHA }}
# Show the cache hit rate from ccache.
- name: ccache stats
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && always()
run: ccache --show-stats