This Application is a indexer for polygon pos chain, built on Event-driven microservice architechure with kafka.
Application is divided into three microservices:
- Chain-data-fetcher (Fetcher)
- Chain-data-filterer (Filterer)
- Chain-data-provider (provider)
Docker Enviornment: Application is build using docker enviornment, to run the application docker must be installed in your local machine, go though this for installation Docker Install
Alchemy and GetBlock RPC node api key :
This Application using Alchemy and GetBlock for RPC node service for polygon pos chain, required to add api key for both in respective .env file of fetcher and filterer
Used docker enviornment to build the application, everything is already set up at docker-compose file, just need to use the below command to build the containers
docker-compose up --build
After running the app, You can interact with the dedicated open-api at http://localhost:7000/:transactionhash, this will provide the current status of the given transaction